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  • 1.  Backfill shift after Time Off removed from schedule or "emergency" is over

    Posted 02-29-2024 15:01

    I swear there was a post about this and/or an associated idea, and I can't find them anywhere. 

    If a time off request is cancelled/denied and therefore removed from a schedule, is there a way to backfill the previous schedule? Or just deny and then "reschedule" the schedule to pull the work plan back in? 

    Similar situation, if we "remove activity code within a range" on a schedule for an emergency, is there a way to put those activities back once the "emergency" is over?  The "View Agent History" only goes back to the most recent save.  When we save/re-publish the change to remove the codes, we can't go back to the shift before that anymore. Also, reschedule wouldn't put the breaks/meals back where they were before.


    Shelby Cronk

  • 2.  RE: Backfill shift after Time Off removed from schedule or "emergency" is over

    Posted 03-01-2024 02:40

    The idea to back-fill a shift when time off is cancelled if here:  Cancelling time off request should | Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal (

    There is an idea here to show a warning on the schedule when an activity is cancelled so that the shift can be back-filled from agent history: Show a warning when an activity has been | Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal (

    Felicity Martin-Murray
    J Sainsbury Plc

  • 3.  RE: Backfill shift after Time Off removed from schedule or "emergency" is over

    Posted 03-04-2024 11:25

    Hi All! :)

    I believe the idea you want to follow is: and These have all the votes and I've tried to merge all the similar ideas. 

    I'm currently working on charting this same idea. We are starting with:

    • Auto-publishing newly approved time-off to published schedules 
    • Auto-approve time off requests as long as there is not a restricted activity code on the published schedule

    Here are the ideas we are starting with:

    We are starting with the above to get the 'scaffolding' in place. The next idea we are planning on is if the time-off request is canceled/denied, we want to bring back the previous schedule. 


    I hope this helps. I'm sorry we don't have a way to accomplish what you need but I want you to know that we are working on it as a top priority for time-off improvements. 


    Damaris Scott
    Genesys - Employees

  • 4.  RE: Backfill shift after Time Off removed from schedule or "emergency" is over

    Posted 03-20-2024 11:12

    Hi @Damaris Scott

    Would you have a rough idea of when these might become available to customers?

    I'm particularly interested in: Bring back the old schedule if a time-off request is canceled/denied and auto-publish.


    Marian OConnell
    GEMA Consulting Ireland Limited

  • 5.  RE: Backfill shift after Time Off removed from schedule or "emergency" is over

    Posted 03-20-2024 16:16

    Hi @Marian OConnell, We are looking toward Q4, but it could be sooner. Unfortunately, we don't have a set date because we are starting with auto-syncing and auto-publishing approved requests first, then we are working on the cancel/denied requests where we want to bring back the original shift.

    Damaris Scott
    Genesys - Employees

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