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  • 1.  Divisionally Aware API for Bulk Redaction of Interactions/Recordings?

    Posted 12-07-2022 05:19

    Hello all,

    As part of our obligations under GDPR, we are required to implement a retention policy across all of our data-holding systems. We currently have no way to redact interactions in line with the redaction process on our CRM. More details below. Has anyone else actively encountered this issue? If so, we would love if you reached out as we are trying to establish a collective of customers with whom we can work to put this idea to Genesys.

    In Genesys, we are retaining data for longer than is necessary as we do not have an appropriate retention policy in place. This is because there is no divisionally-aware bulk deletion tool available on Genesys that would allow us to delete multiple interactions and their associated metadata. We share our Genesys org with other lines of business (each has its own division in the org). We are not the controllers of this data, and as such we require a divisionally aware tool. Individual call recordings associated with interactions can be deleted by an admin if requested, but this does not meet our need – we want to delete not just call recordings, but entire interactions, and we want to be able to do so for multiple interactions at a time using an API.


    The Genesys GDPR API tool allows for the "hard deletion" of all interactions related to a specific phone number within Genesys, but this tool is not divisionally aware, meaning it is not possible to delete the interactions from one division only. As such, if a client phone number is associated with interactions in more than one division, interactions from the other division(s) would be incorrectly deleted too. This means there is a risk that administrators from other entities could unintentionally delete our data and vice versa.


    Ideally, we would be in a position to bulk delete interactions based on lists of interaction IDs (e.g. list of interactions associated with clients who are in the process of being redacted from our central database).

    As said, if you have actively encountered this issue we would love if you reached out as we are trying to establish a collective of customers with whom we can work to put this idea to Genesys.



    Gemma Kent

  • 2.  RE: Divisionally Aware API for Bulk Redaction of Interactions/Recordings?

    Posted 12-07-2022 10:23
    In the recording policies you can set the deletion up. It doesn't need to be the same for every queue,

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 3.  RE: Divisionally Aware API for Bulk Redaction of Interactions/Recordings?

    Posted 12-08-2022 03:26
    Edited by Hichem Agrebi 12-08-2022 03:29
    Hi Gemma,
    This is feasible with onboard tools. I see two parts in GDPR requirements here.
    • Bulk deletions: you can do this using the recording jobs API ( POST /api/v2/recording/jobs and in the payload indicate the action:DELETE). You can filter for example by queues which are assigned to a division. Similarly you can configure a policy in GC admin and select the queues that you'd like to purge recordings for, however this won't be necessarily in sync with your central CRM/repository where you identify the recordings or interactions to be deleted. Your option here is to use the recording job API and define how you'd like to trigger it from your CRM
    • Individual deletions: this is also a typical GDPR request from customers who may logs a request "forget me" or request to know what data is stored about them. Agents should here be able to log the request and track it till completion as when you execute the API, GC doesn't guarantee immediate execution of the API and it may take a few days to complete. There is also a limit of 5 GDPR API calls per minute for the entire GC org that you would need to consider..
    In general GDPR requirements are around these 3 points:

    The main PIPL/GDPR requirement that the proposed solution provides an answers to are the following:

    FYI, we have built a widget integrated into GC allowing agents to log all above GDPR requests from customers. If you are interested in more details, feel free to reach out.
    Hichem Agrebi
    CC-Expertise Ltd

  • 4.  RE: Divisionally Aware API for Bulk Redaction of Interactions/Recordings?

    Posted 01-27-2023 07:25
    Hi Hichem,

    I would be certainly interested in this.  Are you able to share detail with me on how you achieved this using a widget.  Happy to a video meeting if you feel it would be beneficial.

    Thanks Phil

    Philip Penn

  • 5.  RE: Divisionally Aware API for Bulk Redaction of Interactions/Recordings?

    Posted 01-27-2023 07:32
    Sure Philip, feel free to reach out and I shall follow up

    Hichem Agrebi
    CC-Expertise Ltd

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