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  • 1.  Email interactions

    Posted 12-05-2022 04:01

    Our client have a call and email interactions. We did inbound call and email flow as they want. There is seems to be everything ok (flow transfer interactions to correct agent). Agents must be in queue that they can accept interactions. Agent must answer to incoming interactions (call or email) if they want to stay in queue and accept interaction. Here is a problem that agent must click answer button to accept bouth (call or email) interactions.

    Is there any solusions that agent can accept email interaction without he/she has to click answer button, he/she stay in queue and doesn't go to Not responding status? Is there maby any solusions that agent can get email interaction without notificiations about inbound email?

    Agent can accept 25 emails interactions without he/she has to complete them. 25 emails are maximum, that we can set up inside utilization. Can we configure, that one agent can receive more then 25 email interactions?


    Marjana Hlebanja
    Logix d.o.o.

  • 2.  RE: Email interactions

    Posted 12-05-2022 10:51
    There is a beta going on for Auto-answer for digital interactions.  I would strongly suggest you get on this.  Sign up here:  Auto Answer for Digital asynchronous interactions - Beta Candidate Survey (

    This is set to release this Wednesday, but if not, get on the Beta.

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    Avtex Solutions, LLC
    Contact Center Innovation Architect

  • 3.  RE: Email interactions

    Posted 12-07-2022 06:45
    Thank you for your suggestion. I tried auto answer solusion, and this work as I expected. We will introduce this solusion to our customer.

    Marjana Hlebanja
    Logix d.o.o.

  • 4.  RE: Email interactions

    Posted 03-16-2023 07:33

    does Genesys charge separately the manual reply emails that agents send to customers through the GC UI in response to email interaction? or only the automated emails and campaigns are charged separately  ?

    can someone help?

    Mostafa Ismail
    Orange Business Services

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