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Feature Release: Introducing Interaction Categories

  • 1.  Feature Release: Introducing Interaction Categories

    Posted 05-28-2024 06:24

    Hello everyone

    This week we're really excited to start releasing 'Interaction Categories' for Speech & Text Analytics

    This feature will enable deeper analytics of interactions by allowing you to track both the sequence and position of Topics and Terms within an interaction.

    You'll be able to create Interaction Categories by collating multiple Speech & Text elements together, and/or understanding the position of those elements. So for instance you may want to understand if Agents are using the welcome correctly on an interaction, and want to understand if the Topics "Welcome" and "Build Rapport" are being used, and are in the right place. Interaction Categories would allow you to see this! 

    It would look something like the following:

    Topic "Welcome" found in the first 60 seconds AND Topic "Build Rapport" found in the first 60 seconds 

    Where both of these are true, then the interaction will be categorized with the Category "Correct Welcome", or whatever you decide to call it.

    In the system it would look something like this:

    Interaction Categories Criteria

    Initially, once Categorized, you'll be able to see those Categories at an interaction level, in the Details tab. Like the below:

    Interaction Categories Interaction

    We wanted to get Interaction Categories out as soon as possible, to give you the opportunity to get used to building relevant criteria. Once released we plan to follow up in a future release by adding Interaction Categories into Content Search and eventually aggregate views, to make them accessible both in reporting as well as at an interaction level.

    In order to see Interaction Categories you'll need to ensure you have the right permissions added to your role. For these permissions and general information about Interaction Categories, please check out the documentation:

    As you can imagine, there are lots of possibilities with this feature. Please take some time to read through the documentation to get to know Interaction Categories a little better, so you can get used to building them to highlight the right interactions for you.

    We're really excited about this feature and think it's really going to help you get granular insights out of your interactions.

    Thanks very much


    Andy Boland
    Genesys - Employees

  • 2.  RE: Feature Release: Introducing Interaction Categories

    Posted 05-30-2024 09:03

    Hi there. Very excited about release of this feature. Created a test category, but I have a questions: where could I see a summary of all calls that were tagged for this category? I have looked through several views and I do not see any options to filter by category nor an option to add a column. 



    Larissa Casebolt
    Macy's Systems and Technology, Inc.

  • 3.  RE: Feature Release: Introducing Interaction Categories

    Posted 05-30-2024 10:07

    Hi Larissa

    Thanks for your question

    At the moment you're only able to see Categories at the interaction level i.e. in the Details tab. You're not able to see these through views at the moment.

    Our plan next is to add these to Content Search, so you're able to find associated Interactions, like you can with Topics today. We're working on this at the moment and hope it will be a relatively fast follow.

    Beyond that we'll also add Categories to our aggregate views, such as Topic Trends too. 


    Andy Boland
    Genesys - Employees

  • 4.  RE: Feature Release: Introducing Interaction Categories

    Posted 05-30-2024 11:32

    Hi Andy. Thank you for a quick response. Great to hear that there are features to follow to perform analytics.

    Another question: will there be in the future option to build categories based on the non-linguistic events? Today in Engage platform (SpeechMiner) I have categories built based on the non-linguistic events. One example is identifying calls where in the last 90 seconds of the call there was a silence of at least 60 seconds. This has been really beneficial of identifying some agent behavior and knowledge gaps with phone agents. 

    Thank you,


    Larissa Casebolt
    Macy's Systems and Technology, Inc.

  • 5.  RE: Feature Release: Introducing Interaction Categories

    Posted 05-30-2024 13:00

    Hi Larissa

    Thanks for coming back on this.

    Regarding non-linguisic events the honest answer is yes, however there isn't anything specific for this on the roadmap at the moment.

    It would be really good if you created an Idea on the below link to detail your use cases here. It'll help us understand how many people are looking for those features and how they should work:

    Now that Interaction Categories is live I expect to see Ideas coming through for changes or new capabilities, which is great!


    Andy Boland
    Genesys - Employees

  • 6.  RE: Feature Release: Introducing Interaction Categories

    Posted 05-30-2024 14:08

    Hi Andy,

    I will submit that tot eh idea lab. 

    Thank you!


    Larissa Casebolt
    Macy's Systems and Technology, Inc.

  • 7.  RE: Feature Release: Introducing Interaction Categories

    Posted 05-31-2024 12:28

    Hi @Andy Boland will these apply retroactively or only on transcripts after the category is made? 

    Shelby Cronk

  • 8.  RE: Feature Release: Introducing Interaction Categories

    Posted 29 days ago

    Hi Shelby

    Thanks for your post.

    Initially this will just be for interactions after the Category has been published.

    There are plans to change this in the future to allow it to be reprocessed, but that capability will be further out.


    Andy Boland
    Genesys - Employees

  • 9.  RE: Feature Release: Introducing Interaction Categories

    Posted 29 days ago

    Hey @Andy Boland

    Are there any known issues with using terms in Interaction Categories as opposed to topics.

    Topics seemed to work straight away however terms doesn't render any results even though they appear in the transcript results.


    Joshua Civitareale
    Nexon Asia Pacific Pty. Ltd.

  • 10.  RE: Feature Release: Introducing Interaction Categories

    Posted 29 days ago

    Hi Joshua

    Thanks for your post.

    The only restrictions to Terms are those detailed in the documentation i.e. Japanese, Chinese (all dialects) and Korean are not currently supported.

    Beyond that they should work just fine.

    Would you be able to send me over some screen grabs or a video highlighting this issue please? The Category Criteria and the results that should have been found would be excellent.

    Please send them to my email ( and I'll take a look


    Andy Boland
    Genesys - Employees

  • 11.  RE: Feature Release: Introducing Interaction Categories

    Posted 29 days ago

    Hey Andy, 

    Can ignore, looks like it started to work this morning - went back and checked yesterday's test. Does it take time to apply the category to the interaction?



    Joshua Civitareale
    Nexon Asia Pacific Pty. Ltd.

  • 12.  RE: Feature Release: Introducing Interaction Categories

    Posted 28 days ago

    Hi Josh

    Thanks for coming back on this, glad it's working.

    Yes, for categorization to take place we first need to wait for Transcription and Topic Spotting to have been completed, then we can categorize the interactions. As such, it can take a little while once an interaction has been completed for the Category to show, but should still be relatively quick.



    Andy Boland
    Genesys - Employees

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