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First Day of School Memories...

  • 1.  First Day of School Memories...

    Posted 08-28-2023 12:01
    Edited by Nicole Milliken 09-05-2023 13:51

    It's that time of year again. Kids are back in school and summer vacations have wrapped up. It got me to thinking...what is a favorite first day of school memory you have? This can be of yourself or someone you love (kid, family story you've heard, or a friend you want to throw under the bus!) Let us know in the comments below! And if you want to have some more fun, don't forget to play in our Trivia Tower event that starts today at 12pm noon (est.) and wraps up this Friday, Sept. 1st.

    I'll go first: 

    My favorite memory on the first day of school was always having that new backpack filled with brand new markers, crayons, pencils, Lisa Frank folders/notebooks, and my new "first day" outfit. It always felt so exciting and full of possibilities. I still get excited for my son on the first day of school because it's a reminder of that old feeling of heading back to my friends and teachers. Since I went to elementary school in the 80s, it's was always full of color, scrunchies, and slap bracelets! LOL

    Now you go! And if you play in the Trivia Tower event, you'll get an extra three bonus points just for telling us your story! 


    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 2.  RE: First Day of School Memories...

    Posted 08-28-2023 12:49

    I will never forget the first day of kindergarten, even if I don't remember much from it. 

    I was in a small school, maybe 20ish students in my entire grade, and on the first day I had the exact same sneakers as this kid named Joey.

    Joey and I quickly bonded and became best friends. Since then, he has been with me through a lot of life's milestones: first kiss, school dances, graduations, he was the first person I picked up when I got my license, best man at my wedding, and if you were in Nashville for Xperience 18, you may have seen him at the after party. 

    In sixth grade, we entered and won a talent show together and went on a trip to Orlando.

    I remember we watched the original Star Wars together for the first time at his parents' house.  

    He was best man in my wedding, and our friendship is still alive and well to this day!


    Happy new school year, everybody!


    Matt Lawson
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager

  • 3.  RE: First Day of School Memories...

    Posted 08-28-2023 15:47

    My sister's first day of kindergarten was pretty funny. If I name dropped her she would be upset lol. 

    My sister swore she was a big girl and it was just another day.....yeah sure lol
    She woke me up that morning to ensure her outfit was "cool enough" after multiple tweaks from big bro she was ready. 

    I'm 10 years older for reference and was a sophomore in high school at the time but she DEMANDED I had be the person to walk her into class. Needless to say I was very late for school.

    On the drive to school she is still playing it very cool and I really thought she was going to hold it all together. As our mom is turning into her school another car that was not paying attention almost t-boned us. After an exchange of some non kindergarten appropriate language between the drivers it's finally time for the big moment.

    As we walk to her classroom she breaks down, like a full on ugly cry! I walk her to the area to hang up her things and my sister drops her backpack. As she is picking the backpack up she bumps heads with another little girl who has the same JanSport backpack as her (they are both crying btw) they calm down and introduce themselves to each other. The little girls name was Kate. Kate and my sister instantly become bff's. My mom and I find out the next week that Kate's parents are the ones that almost t-boned us. From kindergarten to 5th grade Kate and my sister stayed bff's...we're talking play dates, sleepovers, and bday parties. You name it they did it. What started off as an exchange of colorful language turned into a amazing friendship!

    Now I have to call my sis to ask if she's still in touch with Kate.

    Antwuan Rencher
    Genesys - Employees

  • 4.  RE: First Day of School Memories...

    Posted 08-28-2023 15:52

    Haha! That's a great story! 

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 5.  RE: First Day of School Memories...

    Posted 08-28-2023 15:53

    Walking with my friends to my first day of kindergarten. 

    [Gina] [Palmer]
    [Workforce Manager]

  • 6.  RE: First Day of School Memories...

    Posted 08-28-2023 16:30

    The first days I was always excited to see who was in my classes and who I would sit beside. The first day outfit was always a struggle to pick out and I'm sure my middle or high school hair was never high enough. LOL

     I always loved the Lisa Frank supplies and neon also! I'm glad they are making a comeback for my daughter, she loves all the cute animal designs. 

    Stacey Sanchez
    PACU- Workforce Operations MGR

  • 7.  RE: First Day of School Memories...

    Posted 08-29-2023 00:32

    Hard to remember that far back for some of us old guys!  I do remember my first day of school Junior year because my family moved from the top of the Rockies in Colorado to the small town of Temecula, California (east and south of LA).  Not only did I have to get used to a new state, and school, but it was a prep school and EVERYONE there seemed like the smartest kids I had encountered and were all planning on big things.  It was a small school as well, so when they found out I could play sports and music and computers, I was everyone's best friend.  I felt right at home and though I only got 2 years there, I consider it a place I will always remember for the challenge, the fun, and the friends.   

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 8.  RE: First Day of School Memories...

    Posted 08-29-2023 06:17

    Wow it's been a while going to school... I would say the best first day of school was meeting up with friends that I hadn't seen most of my summer.  

    Isabelle Bourgie
    Groupe CGI Inc.

  • 9.  RE: First Day of School Memories...

    Posted 08-29-2023 09:01

    I did not have a favorite first day of school myself since I was a summer kid and could not stand the thought of going back. However, now that I am older, I would say my son's first day of High School. It was exciting to see him enter this last phase of school for K-12 and since he is going to a technical school, I enjoyed watching him get excited to work on heavy machinery!

    Nicki Dehn
    AAA Club Alliance

  • 10.  RE: First Day of School Memories...

    Posted 08-29-2023 16:45

    I remember my first day of high school. I went to the same small school for grades K-8, so the transition to a big high school was a pretty huge change. Well, some things happened, mistakes were made, and on that very first day I somehow ended up in the wrong room for a Spanish 3 class instead of the introductory Spanish 1 class I was supposed to be in. Mortified. 

    Emily Kammerer
    Ascendium Education Solutions, Inc.

  • 11.  RE: First Day of School Memories...

    Posted 09-01-2023 08:46

    Oh, Emily...hahaha! Are you now fluent in Spanish???

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 12.  RE: First Day of School Memories...

    Posted 09-01-2023 08:59

    I had a similar experience at my university! I was supposed to be taking a Political Satire Class, but when I was registering I copied the wrong course code, and wound up in "Suicide in Literature". 

    Well...the Satire Class was full and I couldn't switch, so I spent a lot of time with Sylvia Plath that semester. 

    Matt Lawson
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager

  • 13.  RE: First Day of School Memories...

    Posted 08-29-2023 17:31

    I will try to remember that far back! First day of 4th grade was probably my most exciting. I was to be in a "gifted" class and had no idea how different that would be from the "regular" classes I had been in previously. I was probably wearing something my mom made for me. The same group of kids all moved to the 5th, then 6th grades as a unit. (unless someone moved away). We went on many field trips to Museums and Missions, etc. Good times!

    Janelle Lopez
    The Chamberlain Group, Inc.

  • 14.  RE: First Day of School Memories...

    Posted 09-01-2023 00:23

    I will always remember my kids first day of school.  They were super excited and got up super early!  My older son uses the school bus, so when he saw the yellow school bus come, he was jumping for joy, literally.  

    My second son was super excited to see all his friends from kindergarten in his first grade class.

    Mrinalini Qadir
    Genesys - Employees

  • 15.  RE: First Day of School Memories...

    Posted 09-01-2023 02:39
    Edited by Ashiesh Sharma 09-01-2023 02:43

    I don't specifically remember my 1st day of school, but I had a nerdy group of friends. We use to complete our Summer-Holiday-HomeWork in first 2-3 days of the vacation. Somehow it does not sound exciting now, but at that age 'n' moment it was a big achievement, as if we're going to make our group proud or something, by doing something useful (like science experiments) during rest of our vacations !!
    Obviously, that never happened as Nintendo (gaming consoles) were introduced and we were stuck to a boxy-TV for almost rest of the vacation days.

    Ashiesh Sharma
    BT plc

  • 16.  RE: First Day of School Memories...

    Posted 09-01-2023 08:47

    Ashiesh, that is pretty awesome! Can you convince my son to be like this please? Hahaa!

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 17.  RE: First Day of School Memories...

    Posted 09-01-2023 15:39

    My kindergarten school would only allow kids to start once they could tie their shoelaces. I could not. I cried to my mom that they would kick me out of school. She told me to tell them I could and double-knotted my laces. My first lesson at being a skillful liar. l  I eventually learned how to tie my shoes (thank goodness).  

    Sheila Lyons
    Sales Coordinator
    Eccentex Corporation

  • 18.  RE: First Day of School Memories...

    Posted 09-01-2023 15:58

    Geez - did that school never hear of velcro???

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

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