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  • 1.  Forecasting now for Labor Day (7 months in the future) due to PTO requests

    Posted 02-03-2023 14:25
    I tried to generate a forecast now for Labor Day (7 months in the future) due to PTO requests, and the system won't let me forecast past the first week in August. So I cannot forecast more than 6 months in the future? Why?

    Conor Twomey
    American Family Insurance

  • 2.  RE: Forecasting now for Labor Day (7 months in the future) due to PTO requests

    Posted 02-04-2023 08:23
    Edited by Jay Langsford 02-04-2023 08:24

    What method are you using?

    Weighted-historical index (WHI) method:

    • you can select a forecast start week up to 26 weeks before or after current week
    • short-term forecast periods are 1 week
    • no long-term forecast

    Automatic best method (ABM):

    • you can select a forecast start week up to 26 weeks before or after current week
    • short-term forecast periods can be from 1 week up to 6 weeks
    • long-term forecast periods are up to 104 weeks

    This is covered in resource center articles - i.e., 

    I am speculating, but I imagine one of the two things is occurring:

    • You are using WHI and are hitting the +/- 26 week start time limit and the one week forecast is only 27 weeks out.
    • You are using ABM and generating a forecast with a start date around current date and it only generates, as expected, short-term forecast information out 6 weeks.

    Suggested that you use ABM and a forecast start date that gives you the 6w short-term forecast period (or 104w long-term forecast period) that covers what you want in August.

    Jay Langsford
    VP, R&D

  • 3.  RE: Forecasting now for Labor Day (7 months in the future) due to PTO requests

    Posted 02-05-2023 10:06
    Jay I know we can forecast volume out per your answer. Are we making progress with estimating labor (either hours or headcount) with these long term forecasts? Right now to get a future headcount for budget I need to create a short term forecast and modify the numbers to match what I think will happen. Thoughts?

    Greg Barrett
    Outdoor Network LLC

  • 4.  RE: Forecasting now for Labor Day (7 months in the future) due to PTO requests

    Posted 02-07-2023 06:47
    Edited by Paul Wood 02-07-2023 06:51

    Hi Conor/ Greg, 
    we are currently researching this requirement as part of both the Capacity Planning and Scheduling roadmaps.

    With the increased period that we can forecast, we too feel, it is a natural and logical next step to use that forecast for long-term staffing requirements and even baseline schedules.
    As we have more to share @Belinda Herrera and I will be posting updates to both the community and ideas lab.

    Based on this question, how far out would you typically be looking to plan at an intraday v daily level?  



    Paul Wood
    Product Manager for Genesys Cloud Workforce Management

  • 5.  RE: Forecasting now for Labor Day (7 months in the future) due to PTO requests

    Posted 02-08-2023 08:35
    Hi Paul,

    In our business, I start my budgeting process in September for the next fiscal year (January - December).  So in September, I would need a budget forecast/FTE requirement up until the following December.


    Penny Petrie
    Camis Inc

  • 6.  RE: Forecasting now for Labor Day (7 months in the future) due to PTO requests

    Posted 02-09-2023 04:23

    Thanks For this Penny.
    At that stage what level of granularity are you looking at, daily, weekly or monthly?
    If it's 1 of the aggregated levels at what time frame would you become more granular?

    would it be anything like:

    9-18 months out monthly forecasts are good enough

    6-9 months out we move to weekly reporting

    <6 months we operate at the daily level


    Paul Wood
    Product Manager for Genesys Cloud Workforce Management

  • 7.  RE: Forecasting now for Labor Day (7 months in the future) due to PTO requests

    Posted 02-09-2023 06:57
    Paul one concept we are working with is looking more at hours needed per day instead of headcount. We are seeing more and more part time and WFH flexible schedules so working with hours seems to help the scheduling team offer up what they need. 

    Just a thought.

    Greg Barrett 


    Greg Barrett | Call Center Manager
    Outdoor Network

    Cell: 941.544.2241
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  • 8.  RE: Forecasting now for Labor Day (7 months in the future) due to PTO requests

    Posted 02-09-2023 08:48

    Hi Paul,

    We do our forecasting weekly to derive a weekly FTE requirement.  I then role that up into a monthly value for budget approval.  In our business, our weeks can vary so greatly depending on the season that it helps with making training and hiring decisions.

    I will then go back and compare budget vs actual hours for each week to stay on track.

    Penny Petrie
    Camis Inc

  • 9.  RE: Forecasting now for Labor Day (7 months in the future) due to PTO requests

    Posted 02-10-2023 05:53

    thanks for the feedback and insights this is really useful and will help our design of longer-term planning and capacity planning features.

    As we build out some of these we'll be conducting user feedback and research sessions. If this is something you'd like to help with could I ask, if you are not already, if you could sign up for the Genesys Sponsor User Program

    Paul Wood
    Product Manager for Genesys Cloud Workforce Management

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