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  • 1.  GCXI Insight with podman as Docker out of support by Red hat 8

    Posted 01-17-2024 05:27

    Hello folks,

     The GCXI insight is supported with RHEL 8 according to However, the RHEL 8 has no support for docker. and even RHEL 7 support also going to end this year Jun 2024, and as of now, we don't have any reference documentation for GCXI insight with Podman.

    Any help will be appreciated.


    Naveed Hussain
    NCR Corporation, Dubai Branch

  • 2.  RE: GCXI Insight with podman as Docker out of support by Red hat 8

    Posted 01-18-2024 08:00

    We faced the same situation. I had to open a ticket with GCC to get their official response. The answer I got was that the instructions for CentOS 8/Stream work for RHEL 8 as well. So we have deployed RHEL 8 running docker for CentOS 8/Stream.

    There was quite a bit of back in forth in regards to podman, kubernetes, and docker. The base answer we got is;

    We do have some tested, documented and recommended install procedures but because of a containerization nature and some models/standards behind, there is a very large number of alternative approaches and there will be more. Any correctly configured could be used.

    Hope this helps

    Karl Theurer
    Optum Technology, Inc

  • 3.  RE: GCXI Insight with podman as Docker out of support by Red hat 8

    Posted 02-15-2024 12:35

    GCXI is getting more and more complex to deal with lately..  We deployed GCXI on RHEL8 servers with Docker/kubernetes over a year ago.  Now getting security vulnerabilties reported with docker and seems like docker is not free anymore..  how to upgrade it ?   Should I redeploy GCXI with podman or so not docker anymore? what is the latest recommended supported platform?  any suggestions please...

    Senih Demren
    Insurance Corporation of British Co

  • 4.  RE: GCXI Insight with podman as Docker out of support by Red hat 8

    Posted 02-28-2024 09:49

    We are in the same situation. We have been using the latest version of GCXI on RHEL 7 with Docker/Kubernetes. Since RHEL 7 support ends this year, we have to upgrade to RHEL 8. 

    Are there any concerns or issues to keep in mind when upgrading to RHEL 8?

    Would gcxi/docker/kubernetes be compatible with rhel8 after being upgraded?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you!

    Jaganathan Balraj

  • 5.  RE: GCXI Insight with podman as Docker out of support by Red hat 8

    Posted 02-28-2024 11:11

    I just upgraded to the latest version of GCXI on RHEL 8 in our dev environment. The big take a ways that I had were; I typically back everything up and blow away everything on the servers to start from scratch. I used the kubernetes 1.26 repo, centos 8 docker repo for v20, and mirantis 0.3.10 (0.3.1 was called for in the documentation but didn't work for me). Using kubernetes using descriptors install, helm for nginx. The only issues I had was, for some reason the permissions of 500:0 or genesys:root were removed on some files (not sure how that happened). And nginx couldn't start, because it couldn't get port 80. I had to update the /etc/sysctl.d/k8s.conf to include net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start = 1. Still looking into that, but fairing not further adjustments, this is going to production. 

    Karl Theurer
    Optum Technology, Inc

  • 6.  RE: GCXI Insight with podman as Docker out of support by Red hat 8

    Posted 02-29-2024 10:13

    I have been using the latest version of GCXI on RHEL 7 nodes and Kubernetes version 1.21.0.

    Once I stop all the GCXI pods, can we upgrade to RHEL 8? Will it be successful?

    Would that be a good choice? Should I install GCXI on new RHEL8 nodes and restore the metadata backup?

    Also, as I checked, RHEL 8 does not support Docker. What kinds of challenges will we be encountering if we do this?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you!

    Jaganathan Balraj

  • 7.  RE: GCXI Insight with podman as Docker out of support by Red hat 8

    Posted 02-29-2024 11:44

    Just a touch of background here, we were running docker ce 19, kubernetes 1.23, & GCXI 100.0.29. We did an in place upgrade from CentOS 7 to RHEL7 to RHEL 8. With the kubernetes and docker repos set to be excluded for upgrade, GCXI pods scaled down, (backed up/snapshot the hosts,) we were successful. So it should work for you too. We are currently running this configuration in production; RHEL 8 with CentOS 7 docker & kube. 

    Recently, there were vulnerabilities detected with v1.23 & Tomcat (9.0.65) within the GCXI pods. So I am now upgrading. The issues I encountered I provided previously. And updating /etc/sysctl.d/k8s.conf to include net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start = 1 was recommended by GCC.

    Building net new was going to be our backup plan to an unsuccessful in place upgrade. But was not needed here. You could build new, and there shouldn't be a lot of issues. 

    Karl Theurer
    Optum Technology, Inc

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