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  • 1.  Get Conversation Attribute - Data Action

    Posted 03-28-2024 16:18

    Hello! I am trying to get the Get Conversation Attribute Data Action to work and am running into an issue with the success template. I get the following error when I run the test: 

      "message": "Transform failed to process result using 'successTemplate' template due to error:'Unexpected character ('}' (code 125)): expected a valid value (JSON String, Number, Array, Object or token 'null', 'true' or 'false')\n at [Source: REDACTED (`StreamReadFeature.INCLUDE_SOURCE_IN_LOCATION` disabled); line: 1, column: 12]'\n Template:'{\"value\": ${successTemplateUtils.firstFromArray(${value})}}'.",
      "code": "bad.request",
      "status": 400,
      "messageParams": {},
      "contextId": "aeab47c6-11cc-47a8-9493-a988be3ddccc",
      "details": [
          "errorCode": "ACTION.PROCESSING"
      "errors": []

    Response configuration:

      "translationMap": {
        "value": "$..key"
      "translationMapDefaults": {},
      "successTemplate": "{\"value\": ${successTemplateUtils.firstFromArray(${value})}}"

    Input Contract:
      "$schema": "",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "conversationId": {
          "type": "string"
      "additionalProperties": true

    Output Contract:
      "$schema": "",
      "type": "object",
      "required": [
      "properties": {
        "value": {
          "type": "string"
      "additionalProperties": false


    Dietrich Van Horn
    America First Credit Union

  • 2.  RE: Get Conversation Attribute - Data Action
    Best Answer

    Posted 03-29-2024 17:56

    Hi, give this a try

    "successTemplate": "#set($default = \"NotFound\") {\r\n \"value\": ${successTemplateUtils.firstFromArray(\"${value}\", \"$esc.quote$default$esc.quote\")}\r\n}"


  • 3.  RE: Get Conversation Attribute - Data Action

    Posted 2 days ago

    To follow up with Muhammad Zubair Awan have you tried doing this? This looks like to be a solid fix. 

    Cameron Tomlin
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager/Moderator

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