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  • 1.  How to validate if routing rules are accurate?

    Posted 06-26-2022 02:23
    Hi All,

    We are working on an assignment that is little complex. We have over 30,000 rules in the system and we are not entirely sure if the routing is happening accurately. 

    We want to validate
    1. Rules are routing to the right agent group and the queue
    2. Visualise these rules and its decision flow in a simple visual tool
    3. Understand rule complexity scores
    4. Identify how many times a rule was triggered/invoked

    We are not interested in basic information such entry and exit or abandonment rather interested in qualitative parameters that will ensure calls are routed to the right agents.


    Kunal Rahalkar
    Datagamz Global Pty Ltd

  • 2.  RE: How to validate if routing rules are accurate?

    Posted 07-06-2022 17:00

    Basically (with probable exception of Service Level routing rules) routing rules are "analogs" of regular target Selection objects used inside strategies (just the same but they can be shared between different strategies) - they are just strategies building blocks.

    Not sure that they can be validated by themselves outside of context of strategies they are used in - it is strategies that can be validated (you cannot validate "word" by itself but you can validate its usage in one or another  "sentence").

    There is no out of box routing rule visualization tools (if not count routing rule descriptions in "Details" pane generated by IRD when routing rule is selected).

    Probably some custom tolls can be created (as all information in config data about routing rules is stored inside them as well as for every strategy there is information about which routing rules it uses).

    Sorry, not sure that understand what exactly "rule complexity scores" means here. May be more details?

    In regards of routing rules usage, possible otpions might be:
     - define filtered statistics that count calls with specific attached data (if URS route call according to some routing rule then it attaches RTargetRuleSelected key value to the call) and use them to get insight about usage of routing rules

    - also if URS strategies are used then it is possible to use IRD for strategies monitoring - get pictures of strategies executions (how many time strategy building blocks was executed (including routing rules))

    Vitaliy Teryoshin


    Vitaliy Teryoshin
    Genesys - Employees

  • 3.  RE: How to validate if routing rules are accurate?

    Posted 07-07-2022 10:21
    Hi Kunal,

    If you are asking about "Genesys Rules (GRAT/GRE) ", so far, in my understanding there is no a visual tool or native tool to validate the rules. What we have done is use postman to do some requests to Genesys Rules, however this approach is very limited.

    What you could do, if you build your strategies in composer, you could previous consume Genesys Rules, save the input into a log and the response then with an external process inject the log to some tool like "elastic search" u other to graph and detect faults or unexpected cases.


    Saugort Garcia
    Interacciones Inteligentes S.A.

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