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Interaction Categories - Speech & Text Analytics - Beta

  • 1.  Interaction Categories - Speech & Text Analytics - Beta

    Posted 03-04-2024 12:30
    Edited by Andy Boland 03-13-2024 06:27

    ** Hello everyone, we've had a great response to this Beta and now have enough participants and will be in contact shortly with further information for the Beta. Thanks for your interest; we look forward to seeing you all as future users of Interaction Categories when it is Generally Available. Thanks **

    Hello everyone

    Today we're excited to launch Beta enrollment for our Interaction Categories feature.

    This feature will enable deeper analytics of interactions by allowing you to track both the sequence and position of Topics and Terms within an interaction.

    You'll be able to create Categories by collating multiple Speech & Text elements together, and/or understanding the position of those element. So for instance you may want to understand if Agents are using the welcome correctly on an interaction, and want to understand if the Topics "Welcome" and "Build Rapport" are being used, and are in the right place. Interaction Categories would allow you to track this. 

    It would look something like the following:

    Topic "Welcome" found in the first 60 seconds AND Topic "Build Rapport" found in the first 60 seconds 

    Where both of these are true, then the interaction will be categorized with the Category "Correct Welcome", or whatever you decide to call it.

    In the system it would look something like this:

    Interaction Category criteria for Correct Welcome - Example

    Once Categorized you'll be able to see those Categories at an interaction level, in the Details tab. Like the below:

    Interaction Category - Example Interaction

    As you can imagine, there are lots of possibilities with this feature. You can also make the criteria considerably more complex, depending on what insights you would like to find.

    If this sounds like a feature you would use, and you'd like to be involved in giving us feedback, then please sign up for the Beta here

    Thanks in advance


    Andy Boland
    Genesys - Employees

  • 2.  RE: Interaction Categories - Speech & Text Analytics - Beta

    Posted 03-05-2024 04:01

    Hi Andy,

    This has great potential, especially if these can be used in the future to Assist Evaluations. A current challenge is if the IVR or in Queue is transcribed then some topics such as Greeting or Transfer can be detected.

    As we are greedy and always want more I've created an idea to expand upon this at least for evaluations and pull in more interaction data. As more Speech Analytics platforms only contain minimal metadata, Genesys Cloud has a huge potential data set to call on.

    I did see the Topic box has a dropdown. Are other criteria available?

    Richard Chandler

  • 3.  RE: Interaction Categories - Speech & Text Analytics - Beta

    Posted 03-05-2024 04:10

    Hi Richard

    Thanks for your message

    I'll go and check out that Idea, thanks for adding!

    For the initial release of Interaction Categories you'll be able to use Topic and Term, where Term is up to 3 words. So for instance if there is a specific product that is not contained in a Topic, you can simply add as a Term.

    Additionally the operators will be AND, OR and NEAR, where NEAR looks for Topics/Terms either side of another Topic/Term, within a given number of seconds or words.

    We'll be bringing more to the feature in time, such as Sentiment and also a 'Followed By' operator, where the criteria needs to be more linear for instance.



    Andy Boland
    Genesys - Employees

  • 4.  RE: Interaction Categories - Speech & Text Analytics - Beta

    Posted 03-05-2024 10:49


    A couple of things.  You should put a link to the Beta Signup in your announcement.  Also, has this been pushed out?  Are there instructions for use and finding it on the Admin page?

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 5.  RE: Interaction Categories - Speech & Text Analytics - Beta

    Posted 03-06-2024 05:49

    Hi Robert

    Thanks for your post

    I've updated my original post, thanks for highlighting that.

    Regarding the release, this is still currently due at the end of this month. We plan to have documentation available on release.


    Andy Boland
    Genesys - Employees

  • 6.  RE: Interaction Categories - Speech & Text Analytics - Beta

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 03-05-2024 15:30

    This looks really promising.

    Customer's and Agent's don't always follow nice timelines. So are there any plans to add something like, this topic found AFTER this other topic, but not be time based. IE It doesn't matter if this happens at the start of the call or right at the end as long as topic 1 is before topic 2 etc.

    Anton Vroon

  • 7.  RE: Interaction Categories - Speech & Text Analytics - Beta

    Posted 03-06-2024 05:57

    Hi Anton

    Thanks for your post

    We're planning to have 'Followed By' in future phases, which will allow the behaviour above i.e. Topic A FOLLOWERD BY Topic B.

    The plan here was actually to make this time specific, like NEAR. However I do understand the use case you've detailed here, so I'll be sure to raise that in our research of those enhancements.


    Andy Boland
    Genesys - Employees

  • 8.  RE: Interaction Categories - Speech & Text Analytics - Beta

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 03-06-2024 16:19

    Thanks for the response Andy

    Anton Vroon

  • 9.  RE: Interaction Categories - Speech & Text Analytics - Beta

    Posted 03-11-2024 09:41

    Hi Andy,

    I'm not sure if it's just me but I am trying to sign up to the beta on the Beta Board but it keeps linking to the Journey Flows beta instead. 


    Imran Haji
    Mountain Warehouse

  • 10.  RE: Interaction Categories - Speech & Text Analytics - Beta

    Posted 03-11-2024 10:21

    Hi Imran

    Thanks for reaching out

    It seems to be working for me, not sure why we're getting a different experience.

    The link to the actual form is below:

    Try this and let me know if it works ok for you


    Andy Boland
    Genesys - Employees

  • 11.  RE: Interaction Categories - Speech & Text Analytics - Beta

    Posted 04-29-2024 13:14

    Andy, I don't see that we were activated on our ORG.  Can you check?  Thanks.

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 12.  RE: Interaction Categories - Speech & Text Analytics - Beta

    Posted 04-30-2024 06:02

    Hi Robert

    Apologies, no idea why that was missed.

    I've added this for you now. Please ensure you have the right permissions in your role and you should see them.



    Andy Boland
    Genesys - Employees

  • 13.  RE: Interaction Categories - Speech & Text Analytics - Beta

    Posted 04-30-2024 16:35



    1. That Create button at the top is new and very outside of normal iconology.
    2. Why make us click the hamburger then delete.  Why not just have a trashcan like most places in GCx
    3. I don't understand the term "parenthesis".  Why not Add Condition?
    4. When will we get the Topics within a set timeframe?
    5. What exactly is the purpose of this?
    6. How is the participant determined?  The topic I chose is internal topic
    7. How would something like this evaluate as true or false?

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 14.  RE: Interaction Categories - Speech & Text Analytics - Beta

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 04-30-2024 17:23

    I didn't manage to sign up to the Beta on time, but based on these screenshots.

    I do think the layout of  True with Operator format makes this more confusing than needed.
    I get we want to have options like ("a and b) or (a and c)", and yes those brackets are "parenthesis". But again just think the format and wording here isn't ideal.
    This currently takes too much mental gymnastics to follow the logical paths quickly, I essentially have to Ignore the "boolean with operator" at the top (which is kind of hard to do since it is the first thing you see in the logical thread) and just look at the rest of the UI, but then why not just let me change it in the main UI directly, seems like the initial options are just extra and add confusion.

    Anton Vroon

  • 15.  RE: Interaction Categories - Speech & Text Analytics - Beta

    Posted 05-01-2024 07:07

    Hi Anton

    Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it

    It would be great to have sync with you to walk through these if possible? It'd be really useful to understand what alternative approaches could be useful here.

    Please let me know if/when you'd be able to meet and I can get something organised.



    Andy Boland
    Genesys - Employees

  • 16.  RE: Interaction Categories - Speech & Text Analytics - Beta

    Posted 05-01-2024 07:01

    Hi Robert

    Thanks for your feedback, it's really appreciated.

    I've tried to answer each of your points below. It might be good to have a quick sync if you're free to talk through some of these though. Please let me know if you'd like to:

    1. That Create button at the top is new and very outside of normal iconology. - 

      AB: This button is the same that is used for Topics, Programs etc throughout Speech & Text Analytics. Is this a more general desire for that button to change?

    2. Why make us click the hamburger then delete.  Why not just have a trashcan like most places in GCx - 

      AB: This is a fair point. I'll take this internally with our UX teams to decide on the best approach here

    3. I don't understand the term "parenthesis".  Why not Add Condition? - AB: This is also really useful feedback which I can take internally with our UX teams. We do mention Conditions elsewhere so you're right perhaps this should change. It would be useful to understand what anyone else doing the Beta feels about this if you're reading these replies?
    4. When will we get the Topics within a set timeframe? - AB: Topic timing is currently available in Interaction Categories. If you select the gear icon at an operand level you're able to decide on the position of the Topic i.e. the first 120 seconds (See image attached)
    5. What exactly is the purpose of this? - AB: This option is to help the criteria be more readable, as we appreciate there is a lot 'going on' when creating the criteria. The idea is essentially it makes it much easier and simpler to understand what the criteria is going to do
    6. How is the participant determined?  The topic I chose is internal topic - AB: You're right, participant is controlled either by the Topic you're using, or in the case of Term you set the participant when you add the details. This is available when selecting the gear icon (See image attached)
    7. How would something like this evaluate as true or false? - AB: For the condition you've added it would depend on the interactions being categorized. Ultimately though if there is an interaction where "Agent Knowledge Gap" AND the term "let me look" are found OR where the topic "AM Not Happy" is not found ("Am Not Happy" found = False), then the criteria would be TRUE and the interaction would be tagged with this Category

    Here is an image of the options available in the gear icon for a Term. For a Topic the participant option is not available, as mentioned the Topic participant is based on the participant set at the Topic level:

    Term Properties
    I hope this helps. As mentioned please let me know if you would be happy to have a sync to walk through your feedback.

    Andy Boland
    Genesys - Employees

  • 17.  RE: Interaction Categories - Speech & Text Analytics - Beta

    Posted 04-28-2024 21:13

    Hi Andy,

    I've taken some time to play around creating categories and can say it works as expected, but I do have one question. Once a category has been created, where in GC are you able to find results? I.e. If I'm looking to find all interactions that meet the criteria for a category, similar to selecting a topic in trends or content search, is there a filter for Categories?


    L Sutherland

    Louis Sutherland
    Spark New Zealand Trading Limited

  • 18.  RE: Interaction Categories - Speech & Text Analytics - Beta

    Posted 04-29-2024 05:57

    Hi Louis

    Thanks for your feedback

    At the moment for Categories you're only able to see these at the interaction level. If an interaction is tagged with a Category it will show under the Category section on the details tab. It isn't currently possible to find these via Content Search or in aggregates.

    Our plan will be to bring these details to Content Search next, so you'll be able to filter by Categories as you can with Topics today. We're going to begin work on this really soon, and hope it will be a relatively fast follow once Categories becomes generally available.


    Andy Boland
    Genesys - Employees

  • 19.  RE: Interaction Categories - Speech & Text Analytics - Beta

    Posted 04-29-2024 17:28

    Hey @Andy Boland - is there an idea or somewhere, where we can track this content search/aggregates update?

    Angus Huckle
    Spark NZ Trading

  • 20.  RE: Interaction Categories - Speech & Text Analytics - Beta

    Posted 04-30-2024 06:00

    Hi Angus

    There will be, but not at the moment.

    Right now we're just tagging interactions with any associated Categories.

    We're planning to bring the details to Content Search next, allowing you to find interactions based on Categories. This will hopefully be a relatively fast follow once Categories is generally available.

    Beyond that the plan will be to add Categories to aggregates, things like Topic Trends, Agent/Queue/Flow Topics etc. Essentially in the fullness of time they'll be everywhere Topics are today.



    Andy Boland
    Genesys - Employees

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