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March Rockstar is revealed!

  • 1.  March Rockstar is revealed!

    Posted 03-15-2024 09:48

    Hey fans! 

    "Once in a Lifetime" you get the opportunity to reach stardom in the Genesys Community, and today we reveal which member has reached that apex of fandom!

    This person was nominated by Antwuan Rencher who says: "They are very active in the Community giving sound advice, and they seem to enjoy helping others succeed!" Quotes like that are what we look for with our newest rockstar inductees. So if you know anyone who stands out to make your life more enjoyable in the community, "Take Them To The River" with a nomination! 

    This amazing poster design was created by our wonderful designer Natalie Nobles showcasing our MARCH ROCKSTAR Lawrence Drayton!!! You rock!

    Lawrence, you get your pick from our Prize Wall, I'll be sending you a form to fill out via email. You'll also receive a custom community profile badge!
    "Don't let the days go by" without nominating a community member. We want everyone to know that "This Must Be the Place" to be!
    Rock on, community.


    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

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