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  • 1.  Schedule Export Issues for Subsequent Planning Periods - Please Vote for Resolution!

    Posted 03-28-2024 14:39

    Hello everyone. Have your agents been experiencing intermittent issues when trying to export their schedules to a third party calendar? 

    One of my colleagues was able to identify the root cause of these issues as the custom URL, which bridges the Genesys schedule to the third party calendar. The problem is that a new URL is created each time a new week of schedules are published, which means that the external calendar will not continue to update automatically. It's worth noting that the newer URL is still able to relay information for older schedules. This issue is not large enough to consider restructuring our entire schedule build/publish process around, but we also don't think it's feasible to expect agents to complete these steps on a weekly basis. 

    Please consider voting for the enhancement idea that I have put forward in response to this issue: Enable Initial External Schedule Sync to Apply to Future Schedule Releases (Planning Periods) WESCH-I-334. Thank you!


    Andrea Rushfeldt
    ATB Financial

  • 2.  RE: Schedule Export Issues for Subsequent Planning Periods - Please Vote for Resolution!

    Posted 03-29-2024 10:49

    The shareable link URL will not change week over week or from one schedule to the next. The only way the URL would change is if the agent disables the current link (which would cause any third-party calendars to cease to update that are using that disabled link) and then requests a new link.

    We are aware of one escalation where the third-party calendar is not updating - those third-parties poll at inconsistent times of day and some state no more than once per 24h period.

    This really is not something that would be addressed in an enhancement request. We are actively working the one support case to pinpoint the underlying issue.

    I would suggest empowering your agents by having them use Tempo. That will be a better and more feature rich experience than relying on a third-party outside of everyone's control that does polling infrequently at inconsistent times.

    Jay Langsford
    VP, R&D

  • 3.  RE: Schedule Export Issues for Subsequent Planning Periods - Please Vote for Resolution!

    Posted 04-18-2024 15:03

    Hi Jay,

    Our agents were not disabling the link themselves. The support team has confirmed that this is/was an issue and is currently rolling out a fix. Thank you for recommending Tempo, but at the end of the day this schedule export feature is offered by Genesys and therefor should serve the expected function. 

    I had submitted the enhancement request per the recommendation of our Genesys account manager but have since removed my vote. I didn't see a way to delete the idea itself. Do you know if this is possible?

    Andrea Rushfeldt
    ATB Financial

  • 4.  RE: Schedule Export Issues for Subsequent Planning Periods - Please Vote for Resolution!

    Posted 05-13-2024 13:00

    Hi, sorry for the little off topic, but the Genesys User Experience Research team has launched a survey aimed to schedulers (or supervisors with scheduling permissions) to gather their feedback about different aspects of the agents' schedule.

    This survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes and those eligible will automatically be entered into a sweepstakes for a chance to win one of two $75 e-gift cards.

    The survey will be collecting data until May 20th, and sweepstakes selection will be held on May 21st.

    >>> Link to the survey

    Thanks a lot,

    Olga Revilla
    UX Research Lead at Genesys

    Olga Revilla
    Genesys - Employees

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