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  • 1.  Simulate authenticated web messaging

    Posted 01-26-2023 12:25
    Edited by Manu Kandwal 01-26-2023 12:27

    Hi Community members,

    I am trying to simulate authenticated web messaging for demo purpose before implementing it in production. Has anyone figured a way to simulate the same.
    I am not a developer so unsure the complexity but I tried the following method which didn't work end-to-end. So if anyone can share the correct tools to use and method to follow.

    1) I tried creating Okta-developer account and setup an OIDC - OpenID Connect type web-application.
    2) Tried adding OpenID Connect Messenger Configuration integration on Genesys Cloud CX, showed success without error (Active).
    3) Configured messenger configuration, enabled authentication and created messenger deployment.
    4) Hosted a website with Okta sign in option (replicating myaccount sign in) and embedded th

    e authenticated messenger deployment code.

    Tested this and post login the web messenger icon should display or start messaging but I do not see the icon as seen in guest or unauthenticated messaging webpage-

    Guest/unauthenticated on web-page seems to be working

    Surely, somewhere for authenticated messaging I am missing some key configuration. 

    Kindly let me know if you know the answer or let me know how do we simulate OpenID-Authenticated web messaging for testing & demo purpose before rolling out to prod.

    #messaging #Integrations #Chatandvideochat
    MAnu KAndwal
    Accenture Solutions Private Limited

  • 2.  RE: Simulate authenticated web messaging

    Posted 01-27-2023 08:38
    Hi, and thanks for your interest.
    This blueprint might help:
    A common pitfall is the wrong value for redirectUri: keep in mind that value you configure in your Okta service should match the value that you configure in the Client configuration: the backend is checking to confirm these two are matching (based on protocol standards).

    Angelo Cicchitto
    Genesys - Employees

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