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Time to Highlight Community Rockstars

  • 1.  Time to Highlight Community Rockstars

    Posted 09-27-2022 12:26
    Edited by Anthony Romero 09-27-2022 12:32
    Hey Everyone,

    We've kicked off our Genesys Community Rockstar Program, and spoilers I've already nominated some of those in the DX community for this.

    This is open to everyone. Feel free to give a shoutout to members who slay us with killer answers, or might share helpful tips or resources. This will recognize those rockstars while also getting you a chance to snag some swag from the famous Prize Wall (rock n roll themed for a limited time)!

    Are you ready to rock?

    1. Enjoy the video above to catch a mellow overview of the Community Rockstars program.
    2. Fill out the nomination form to recognize your Community Rockstar, and remember, everyone is eligible.
    3. Once forms are submitted, the Community Team will huddle up backstage before we induct one or more Community Rockstars on the last Friday of every month.
    4. Finally, the winners pick an item of their choice from the Prize Wall and get their own unique poster for the Community's Wall of Fame (coming soon).

    It's that easy! You're a wonderful audience, so shake, rattle and roll your nominee (or two or 11) today.

    To celebrate this we will also be doing Rock N Roll Hall of Fame Trivia tomorrow (September 28th), so join the Trivia Tower community for a chance to have some fun, test your music history knowledge, and get in on the prize wall.

    Anthony Romero
    Genesys - Employees

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