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  • 1.  Topics/Phrases

    Posted 11-14-2022 10:10
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    Good Morning Community!

    We are just starting to begin to use Topics/Phrases. We have two distinct departments- intake and nursing, therefore two components to calls (intake transfers to RN). Both have different quality evaluation requirements/expectations. When adding in topics/phrases to look for and eventually automatically score for evaluations, are we able to delineate which portion of the call to look for certain phrases? 

    For example:
    Intake Required Question:
    What is your supervisor's name?
    - we would want to be able to autoscore this as completed

    Nursing Side of Call-
    Caller asks 'what is your supervisor's name' OR 'can I speak with your supervisor' 
    - would be a phrase, we might want to pull call to listen as to why the caller felt they needed a supervisor 


    Cherri Lindquist
    Clinical Director of Nursing
    Company Nurse

  • 2.  RE: Topics/Phrases

    Posted 11-15-2022 12:05
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    Hi Cherri

    Thanks for your post

    It sounds like this would require a transfer between departments?

    If this is the case then different Programs can be set to different queues. So, you can associate different Topics to different Programs and then associate those programs to different queues.

    When transferring, different sets of Topcs can be used in different sections of the call.

    Would this work?



    Andrew Boland
    Genesys - Employees

  • 3.  RE: Topics/Phrases

    Posted 11-15-2022 13:04
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    I think that would work! Looking now I see we do have the programs for the departments (see screen shots)

    Then under topics I see where we can choose if it for all or just one program

    Cherri Lindquist
    Clinical Director of Nursing
    Company Nurse

  • 4.  RE: Topics/Phrases

    Posted 11-16-2022 06:01
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    That's great, thanks Cherri!

    Please let us know how you get on. Always interested in getting feedback on the experience



    Andrew Boland
    Genesys - Employees

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