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  • 1.  Unable to generate schedule with new shift

    Posted 12-05-2022 06:35
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    Good morning

    I believe I am following instructions :)

    Agent who has schedule published
    Agent work plan changes (no workplan rotation)
    Agent now has a workplan rotation with new shift
    I remove from current workplan
    I add to new workplan rotation
    I "reschedule" published schedule 
    How when I go to "reschedule" tab it is still showing the old workplan?
    It advises "no changes made" and does not update the current schedule 
    When I got back to agents tab I do see new rotation assigned to the agent

    Please help 


    Shirley Harbers
    Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc.

  • 2.  RE: Unable to generate schedule with new shift

    Posted 12-05-2022 15:12
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    The work plan at initial schedule generation is the one that we attempt to utilize (and will attempt to honor any changes to that work plan). We do not attempt to utilize the agent's current work plan if that work plan is a completely different one from the one that originally was used on initial schedule creation. E.g., if schedule was created for Bob for First Shift M-F, then assign Bob to a Third Shift MWFS work plan, then a reschedule will still look for the First Shift M-F constraints for Bob.

    Recommendation would be to utilize wholesale work plan reassignments and/or big constraint changes for the next scheduling period.

    The following post has more detail:

    Jay Langsford
    VP, R&D

  • 3.  RE: Unable to generate schedule with new shift

    Posted 12-06-2022 05:36
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    Hi Jay

    Thank you so much.  I will read the entirety of the post you sent.  I was truly stumped yesterday as I did 2 agents with total workplan changes.  One without a rotation and the other with a rotation.  The one with the rotation worked when I did a "reschedule" and a publish.  The one without would not take at all.  Kept giving the error "no changes" made after I "applied" the change.  I am not sure what is meant by "initial schedule generation is the one we attempt to utilize" - if the initial one is no longer assigned to that agent why would it try?  Is it in the background somewhere?  I am not sure I understand either the "wholesale work plan reassignments" but will look at it as well.

    thanks for your prompt feedback.


    Shirley Harbers
    Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc.

  • 4.  RE: Unable to generate schedule with new shift

    Posted 12-06-2022 07:50
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    "The work plan at initial schedule generation is the one that we attempt to utilize" - means that if Bob was assigned to Work Plan A on Published Schedule A, any reschedules of Schedule A we know to attempt to use Work Plan A for Bob (regardless if you assign Bob later to Work Plan B). I say attempt again because there may have been changes to Work Plan A after initial schedule generation that do not yield schedules compatible with the portion of time Bob already worked on Schedule A (in the other post I give an example).

    "Recommendation would be to utilize wholesale work plan reassignments and/or big constraint changes for the next scheduling period." - so instead of making work plan reassignments and trying to have them affect an already published schedule that is ongoing, instead have those planned for the next scheduling period (i.e., a new schedule yet to be generated and published for a future time).

    Jay Langsford
    VP, R&D

  • 5.  RE: Unable to generate schedule with new shift

    Posted 12-07-2022 09:09
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    This makes sense to me. But, if you couldn't wait until the next scheduling period, could you toss out the existing published schedule and create a brand new schedule?

    Dan Fontaine
    ConvergeOne, Inc.

  • 6.  RE: Unable to generate schedule with new shift

    Posted 12-07-2022 14:52
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    Hi Dan
    That's what I ended up doing.  Deleted the old and created a new however when creating it didn't take any manually changes that were made and therefore had to re-enter them all.


    Shirley Harbers
    Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc.

  • 7.  RE: Unable to generate schedule with new shift

    Posted 12-09-2022 05:58
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    so today I had another shift change to start December 12th
    I went into work plans and moved the agent from current one to new one - saved
    I then went to published schedule
    I hit reschedule
    Chose the agent
    It went through the steps
    Gave the error "schedule updated but no changes made"
    This seems to be an issue - as I have seen it twice

    Do I try and reschedule everyone and use "do not modify manually changed".............

    This should be easier shouldn't it?


    Shirley Harbers
    Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc.

  • 8.  RE: Unable to generate schedule with new shift

    Posted 12-09-2022 08:19
    Edited by Jay Langsford 12-09-2022 08:22
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    Reschedule will not use a new work plan for an agent (stated above twice and on linked earlier Community thread also in prior reply).

    i.e., if you have a published schedule for Bob that when generated initially he was assigned to work plan A and then sometime later you moved him to work plan B and attempted a reschedule, then work plan A will still be utilized for Bob

    A second point in the case you only change work plan A and not reassign: reschedule will attempt to reschedule, but if Bob's schedule up to reschedule violates the constraints (either because of manual changes to his schedule or because of constraint changes in the work plan) of the changed work plan, rescheduling for Bob will be skipped.

    'do not modify manually changed' will not attempt to reschedule any shifts where there have been manual modifications after initial schedule generation - is pretty comprehensive on these matters but maybe a bit less verbose than my ramblings

    Work plan changes should be infrequent. The more frequently you want to change them, then perhaps you should shorten your published schedule length. Work plans should be reasonably stable and if there are one-off or ad hoc changes needed, then those are likely just adjustments to the schedule not to the work plan. E.g., next week I'll be at a conference Tue and Wed - that is a schedule change not a work plan change and a reschedule

    Scenario -> Expected Results
    1. Bob initially in work plan A, schedule generated and published, at some point Bob is moved to work plan B and there is a reschedule attempt -> reschedule will utilize work plan A for the reschedule attempt for Bob
    2. Bob initially in work plan A, schedule generated and published, at some point changes are made to work plan A and there is a reschedule attempt -> reschedule will utilize work plan A with revisions for the reschedule attempt for Bob

    Other reasons no changes during a reschedule:
    - Your choices made in the rescheduling wizard eliminate any potential changes
    - You have manual schedule changes that result in constraint violations with the work plan and no valid schedules can be produced so that agent is skipped
    - You have made changes to the work plan that now results in constraint violations with the agent's current schedule and no valid schedules can be produced so that agent is skipped

    Jay Langsford
    VP, R&D

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