Genesys Cloud - Beta HQ

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  • 1.  Upcoming Beta - Operational Console

    Posted 05-10-2023 13:02

    Hello Everyone, 

    Looking for more visibility into your environment and ways to investigate and resolve issues? 

    The Operational Console is a service that allows customers to subscribe to system events that are somewhat actionable in nature. By receiving these events, customers can then investigate and resolve the underlying issues which could cause Operational impacts. 

    There are a limited number of events for Beta release but after GA will be followed by more events and a UI. A separate Event Catalog will be available on the Developer Center that will provide additional context to these events and how to interpret, respond and act upon them. 

    * Initial requirement is that events will be subscribed to and received via Eventbridge (Amazon EventBridge integration ( 

    Included in this Beta Release: 

       * Outer Limits (First Breach) - first time in a day that an outer limit is hit. Included Outer limits are: Token.rate.per.minute,,  Client.credentials.token.rate.per.minute

       * Station Errors: Events like: WebRTC Remote Disconnect, Station Not Reached, WebRTC ICE Idle Detection

       * Flow Instance Execution: Event related to Architect service and occurring when a flow instance execution results in an error. 

    Apply now to register and be added to the Beta list for release. 


    Genesys - Employees-Chris Fischer
    Sr. Product Manager, User Experience

  • 2.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Operational Console

    Posted 05-10-2023 13:19

    I attempted to register, but got the "You don't have permission to view or respond to this form" message again.

    Ryan Cheesman
    Senior Manager, IT Integration Services
    Tandem Diabetes Care Inc. | positively different

  • 3.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Operational Console

    Posted 05-10-2023 14:04

    Same here.  Ask me to login with SSO and gives me permission error

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 4.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Operational Console

    Posted 05-10-2023 14:20
    Edited by Chris Fischer 05-10-2023 14:20

    I modified a setting and believe its corrected. Please try again and let me know if the issue is resolved. 

    Genesys - Employees-Chris Fischer
    Sr. Product Manager, User Experience

  • 5.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Operational Console

    Posted 06-07-2023 16:49

    Hi Chris, we are so enthusiastic with this new feature.

    Do you have a tentative date to start the Beta?

    Thanks in advance

    Best Regards


    Carlos vega
    Interacciones Inteligentes S.A.

  • 6.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Operational Console

    Posted 06-07-2023 17:08

    Hi Carlos, the Beta is live and available via registration at:

    Genesys - Employees-Chris Fischer
    Sr. Product Manager, User Experience

  • 7.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Operational Console

    Posted 06-07-2023 17:14

    Thanks for your quick response Chris,


    We have already completed the form, but we haven't received a confirmation yet.



    Best Regards




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