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Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

  • 1.  Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 05-12-2023 12:05

    Hello Beta Community,

    Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities is going to go Beta on May 17, 2023. 

    This feature uses Named Entity Recognition (NER) to automatically redact PCI DSS and PII entities from recordings and transcripts on a best-effort basis. This capability is only available if speech or text analytics is enabled for the interaction. This feature requires one of the following subscriptions: Genesys Cloud CX 1 WEM Add-on II, Genesys Cloud CX 2 WEM Add-on I, or Genesys Cloud CX 3.

    If you're interested in joining this Beta, please sign up using this form


    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees
    Staff Product Manager

  • 2.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 05-15-2023 09:00

    Hi Anik! 

    Will this remove the sensitive data from the API as well, or only from the UI?  For example, if pull a transcript for a conversation directly from the API, will the sensitive data also be masked/removed there?  Or will it perhaps be tagged in the API? 


    Trent Vance
    TTEC Digital, LLC fka Avtex Solutions, LLC

  • 3.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 05-15-2023 09:14

    Hi Trent,

    The sensitive data in the transcript retrieved from the API will also be masked based on permissions. 

    Example transcript accessed via API:

    Original - "My name is Jack. My phone number is 1234567890."

    Redacted - "My name is [PERSON]. My phone number is [PHONE_NUMBER]."

    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees
    Staff Product Manager

  • 4.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 05-15-2023 09:23

    Thank you for the prompt reply! 

    That's actually great to hear!  When you say based on permissions though, it leads me to another question.  In terms of extracting data via customizations and OAuth clients, does that mean it would be possible to have one OAuth client that would pull data and show name, but not number.  And if I really wanted, I could have a different OAuth client that would show everything?

    We currently have some IP and Integrations that pull data.  Transcripts are on the near term roadmap.  And we have some clients that want all sensitive data redacted, and other that want only certain information redacted.  So I'm just curious as to what this will look like in the future as this tool matures and goes GA, and how our IP can ingest this data intelligently, and securely. 

    Thank you!

    Trent Vance
    TTEC Digital, LLC fka Avtex Solutions, LLC

  • 5.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 05-15-2023 09:45

    You can have one OAuth client that can see the transcript unredacted and another OAuth client which will only see the redacted transcript. However, you won't be able to customize the entities that you want to redact, for example, you cannot just choose to show names but not phone numbers. Although we do provide two separate toggles, one for PII entities and the other for PCI DSS entities. So you can choose to show PII data but not PCI data or vice versa.

    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees
    Staff Product Manager

  • 6.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 05-15-2023 09:58

    That makes sense.  Thank you for the extra info! 

    Trent Vance
    TTEC Digital, LLC fka Avtex Solutions, LLC

  • 7.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 08-18-2023 18:02

    Hey Anik,

    What does the transcript look like:

    • on the UI when redacted
    • when the transcript is copied to insert in a text file

    Melissa Callender
    Operations Specialist
    Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan

  • 8.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 08-21-2023 09:24

    Hey Melissa,

    This is how the transcript UI looks redacted:

    When you copy it, this is how it looks like:

    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees
    Staff Product Manager

  • 9.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 05-17-2023 16:20

    Hi Anik -

    We signed up for the beta using the form link previously.

    • Did this feature get activated for all organization ID's that signed up for the beta today?
      • I have received reports (not validated) that some call recordings were automatically redacted already.
        • I found the Role/Permission that toggled the access for this (Recording ->Recording ->View Sensitive Data)
    • Are the options to control the available sub-features surfaced at the Queue level, or some other level?
    • We have a partner/vendor who is ingesting our call recordings via automation using the Genesys API framework. Are the call audio recordings redacted of the sensitive information along with the transcription?
      • If so, then will we need to add the Recording ->Recording ->View Sensitive Data permission to the role assigned to that vendor/partner's OAuth credential?

    Tony Freestone
    Providence Health & Services

  • 10.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 05-17-2023 17:45

    Hi Tony,

    Yes, this feature got activated for your org today as you signed up for the Beta already. Currently, there are no options to configure it at the queue level, it's a global on/off. If you toggled the feature on, yes the call recordings and transcription accessed via the API would be redacted. It would be a good idea to add the permissions to their OAuth credential.

    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees
    Staff Product Manager

  • 11.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 05-18-2023 08:44

    Hi Anik,

    I have just enrolled for Beta feature on this. Could you please check if there are any slots available ?

    Suresh Uppara
    Johnson & Johnson

  • 12.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 05-18-2023 10:48

    Hi Suresh,

    Thanks for signing up, I have enabled the Beta for your org.

    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees
    Staff Product Manager

  • 13.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 06-14-2023 09:14


    I have just applied for the beta, my business want to do more transcription so this will be perfect mainly for PCI redaction, how long before it gets added to the Org?


    Andy Jackson
    Ten Lifestyle Management Limited

  • 14.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 06-14-2023 13:45

    Hey Andy, I can enable the feature for your org by end of day tomorrow.

    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees
    Staff Product Manager

  • 15.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 06-15-2023 14:01

    Hey Andy, the feature has been activated for your org. Give it a try. Here's how to toggle it on:

    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees
    Staff Product Manager

  • 16.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 06-16-2023 03:50


    I will test limited queues today


    Andy Jackson
    Ten Lifestyle Management Limited

  • 17.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 06-15-2023 11:18

    Is this Beta still available?  I have a call next week specific to Dtat Redaction and would like to be able to demo this for them. 

    Martin Bunting
    i3Vision Technologies Inc.SC

  • 18.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 06-15-2023 14:04

    Hey Martin, you can still try out the Beta by signing up using this form:

    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees
    Staff Product Manager

  • 19.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 06-15-2023 14:19

    I have previously filled out this form but will fill it out again for my Org. I have enabled under Admin > Account Settings > Organization Settings > Settings Sensitive Data Redaction for Payment Cards and Sensitive Data Redaction for Personal Information and confirmed that Recording > Recording > View Sensitive Data is not enabled yet I am still seeing Credit Card data in my transcript.  So I am unsure if this feature is enabled yet for my Org?

    Martin Bunting
    i3Vision Technologies Inc.SC

  • 20.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 06-15-2023 14:28

    Hey Martin, the Beta is currently enabled for your org. In terms of permissions, can you also make sure all the roles assigned to the user don't have the permissions:

    • Recording > Recording > ViewSensitiveData
    • Recording > Recording > *
    • Recording > * > *

    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees
    Staff Product Manager

  • 21.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 06-15-2023 15:14

    Thanks.  I will continue my testing.

    Martin Bunting
    i3Vision Technologies Inc.SC

  • 22.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 06-15-2023 16:29

    Hi Anik,

    I see this working my org, that's great thanks. Question for you: I see that the following is in the transcript on the backend via quering GET

    However, I was wondering if we will be able to leverage the Transcript Search API to find conversations with PCI_DSS classifcations. THis would be useful in automating the deletion of interaction recordings where this data was found, via post interaction workflow.
    Any thoughts on this, or where else this data is attached to the conversation?


    Peter Stoltenberg
    TTEC Digital

  • 23.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 06-15-2023 16:49

    This is something our customer is also looking for.  Finding conversations with PCI classifications.

    Martin Bunting
    i3Vision Technologies Inc.SC

  • 24.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 06-16-2023 16:47

    Hi Peter,

    Can you try the following:

    POST /api/v2/speechandtextanalytics/transcripts/search

        "types": [
        "query": [
                "type": "DATE_RANGE",
                "fields": [
                "startValue": 1686888000000,
                "endValue": 1686974400000
                "type": "EXACT",
                "fields": [
                "values": [
                "type": "EXACT",
                "operator": "OR",
                "fields": [
                "value": "en-us"
        "returnFields": [
        "pageSize": 50,
        "pageNumber": 1,
        "sort": [
                "sortBy": "startTime",
                "sortOrder": "asc"

    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees
    Staff Product Manager

  • 25.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 06-16-2023 16:56

    Hi Anik,

    Brilliant. Thank you. This worked with a slight change.. I used PCI_DSS as the classification, versus just PCI. That ended up doing the trick for me..

    Appreciate the help :)



    Peter Stoltenberg
    TTEC Digital

  • 26.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 07-26-2023 09:11

    @Anik Dey,

    If we turn on masking of both PCI and PII, is there a way for some sets of users to be able to view the unmasked PII data only via the ViewSensitiveData permission and not the PCI. In effect, is it possible to control the viewing of the unmasked data separately between the PII vs PCI? 

    Thomson George
    Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company

  • 27.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 07-26-2023 15:01

    Hi Thomson, 

    You can configure the Admin toggles to set the PCI toggle to on, and PII toggle to off. If you do that you can effectively mask PCI data but unmask all PII data. I have attached a screenshot of the admin settings:

    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees
    Staff Product Manager

  • 28.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 07-26-2023 15:08

    @Anik Dey - Sorry if my question was not clear. What I was looking as an option was masking both (which we can do based on the two toggles available). But in terms of viewing unmasked data, was looking to have some users be able to view the unmasked PII and others not be able to. Since the ViewSensitiveData permission applies to both as whole vs. being separate, not sure how we would be able to accomplish it.

    Thomson George
    Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company

  • 29.  RE: Upcoming Beta - Sensitive Data Redaction for PCI DSS and PII Entities

    Posted 07-26-2023 15:17

    Hi Thomson, that wouldn't be possible as the ViewSensitiveData permission will mask all the entities toggled on in the Admin settings. I believe you're looking to split the ViewSensitiveData permissions to ViewPCIData and ViewPIIData. What is your use case for that? Would you mind creating an idea for it in the Genesys Ideas Portal and outlining your use case?

    In our roadmap, we are looking to make the PCI and PII toggle more configurable so that the user will be able to select exactly which PII entities they would want to mask or not e.g. name, address, ssn, phone numbers, etc. Not sure if that can solve your use case.

    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees
    Staff Product Manager

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