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Weighted historical index forecast

  • 1.  Weighted historical index forecast

    Posted 01-30-2023 13:58
    Hi everyone,

    I'm wondering if there is a way to see/edit the total calls or AHT line in the long term view that is in the automatic best method forecast? I am seeing the interval forecast but not a long term forecast option.


    Melanie Williams
    Camis Inc

  • 2.  RE: Weighted historical index forecast

    Posted 01-31-2023 08:21
    When on long-term forecast (second tab at top left on the view) you can click on the Forecast Grid at the bottom and you can override AHT values on each row (granularity can be days or weeks at the top). You can also apply modifications more broadly (e.g., increase AHT by 10% over a time range).

    Jay Langsford
    VP, R&D

  • 3.  RE: Weighted historical index forecast

    Posted 01-31-2023 09:36
    Thanks for your response. I don't see the long term option for a weighted historical forecast. Just the interval level is available. Is it available somewhere else in this type of forecast?

    Melanie Williams
    Camis Inc

  • 4.  RE: Weighted historical index forecast

    Posted 01-31-2023 09:51
    Long-term is only available for automatic best method (ABM) - that is the only method that supports forecasting beyond 1w at a time. That method is our top recommendation. I would strongly recommend moving away from weighted-historical index (WHI) method. Many of our advanced features will be built upon or depend upon ABM.

    Jay Langsford
    VP, R&D

  • 5.  RE: Weighted historical index forecast

    Posted 05-04-2023 10:42
    Edited by Melanie Williams 05-04-2023 11:32

    Thanks! will the weighted historical index forecasting be eliminated or will it continue to be a feature - just not enhanced or updated?

    We have a seasonal business managing multiple lines of business and changing hours of operation. The ABM method isn't picking up on the change in hours of operation or distribution changes. This requires lengthy review and updates to the forecast. 

    I am also noticing the weighted historical index forecast creates a ABM forecast. Is there documentation on why or how this happens? Seems to be after the schedule is created.

    Melanie Williams
    Camis Inc

  • 6.  RE: Weighted historical index forecast

    Posted 05-09-2023 16:58

    I experience the same challenges with our highly seasonal business too (historical weeks yoy nearly always better predict call arrival than prior weeks), thank you for asking this question Melanie! 

    I hope there will be enhancements to honor the needs of very seasonal businesses more easily. Currently I end up manually editing our schedules a lot.

    Tricia Berthet

  • 7.  RE: Weighted historical index forecast

    Posted 05-17-2023 12:42

    @Jay Langsford - are you able to provide a response to my last question?

    Thank you!

    Melanie Williams
    Camis Inc

  • 8.  RE: Weighted historical index forecast

    Posted 05-18-2023 09:39

    Hi @Melanie Williams I wanted to reply since @Jay Langsford is out of the office this week.  We don't have any current plans to deprecate WHI as we understand that it provides value in a number of situations like those that you describe above.  Per Jay's comment though, we are investing in ABM and plan to make improvements to that forecast method to better accommodate these types of situations to handle changes in the business or special events.  We are planning to add special event capabilities to ABM and provide more flexibility around what arrival patterns to use (recent weeks vs. same week from prior period etc.).  So, short answer, you can keep using WHI, but we intend to add capabilities/flexibility to ABM in the future too.
    Chris Johnson

    Christopher Johnson
    Genesys - Employees

  • 9.  RE: Weighted historical index forecast

    Posted 05-18-2023 09:55

    Thank you for your quick reply - much appreciated. Can you also answer my question about the ABM that shows up after you run the WHI forecast? 

    Melanie Williams
    Camis Inc

  • 10.  RE: Weighted historical index forecast

    Posted 05-18-2023 11:29

    Hi @Melanie Williams can you describe this situation in a bit more detail?  I'm not exactly sure what behavior you are seeing?  Technically the WHI and ABM forecasts are completely separate so i'm not sure i understand exactly what you are seeing?


    Chris Johnson

    Christopher Johnson
    Genesys - Employees

  • 11.  RE: Weighted historical index forecast

    Posted 05-18-2023 13:46

    I run a WHI forecast and then a duplicate ABM forecast shows up for the same time frame. I haven't been able to figure out a trigger for it. I thought at one point it was when you created a schedule for the WHI forecast but I tried to recreate that scenario and it didn't work. I can't find documentation on why that happens or what the trigger is. And furthermore - is the duplicated ABM forecast the forecast I should be editing instead of the WHI one. 

    Thank you

    Melanie Williams
    Camis Inc

  • 12.  RE: Weighted historical index forecast

    Posted 05-18-2023 14:37

    Hi @Melanie Williams this is very strange. I've never heard of this before.  You may need to open a support ticket.  I guess my question would be if you screenshot the list of forecasts as step 1.  then step 2 create a WHI forecast and save it then step 3 go back to that forecast list view do you actually see two new forecasts?  (The new WHI + another new ABM forecast?)  I wonder if another user created an ABM forecast possibly?  If you can replicate this i would definitely recommend opening a support ticket.  I wish I could jump on Zoom and see the issue but your best path is probably going to be to open a support ticket.

    Thank you,
    Chris Johnson

    Christopher Johnson
    Genesys - Employees

  • 13.  RE: Weighted historical index forecast

    Posted 05-18-2023 15:39
    Edited by Melanie Williams 05-18-2023 15:39

    thank you - I will open a ticket. I have confirmed that no other user is creating the ABM forecast. 

    Melanie Williams
    Camis Inc

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