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  • 1.  WEM Trivia Tower Contest starts today!

    Posted 05-31-2023 10:02

    Hey Everyone!

    To celebrate the end of the Workforce Engagement Community's WEMay event, we are hosting a WEM-themed Trivia Tower contest starting today at 12pm est., May 31 until Friday, June 2nd! All of the questions are related to WEM features, and this event is open-book (meaning you can look up answers!) So there's no reason not to jump into the Trivia Tower community and play. Remember, you must have joined the Trivia Tower community and be signed-in to answer the questions. 

    Please don't forget to answer that bonus question for three extra points. I can't tell you how many times the bonus question's extra points have determined the winner in these events, so do don't forget to take that little extra step to complete the trivia event! 

    As always, whomever gets the most points will win an item of their choice off of our Prize Wall, and we have some really nice stuff up there! 

    Good luck,


    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 2.  RE: WEM Trivia Tower Contest starts today!

    Posted 06-02-2023 10:37

    Hey everyone!

    I hope you all have all been playing in the fun WEM-themed Trivia Tower event! Today is the last day to get your answers in and don't forget to post your answer to the bonus question, it will determine the winner! 

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

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