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  • 1.  WFM-Export historical forecast data

    Posted 06-01-2023 07:30

    Hi everyone, 

    I have a question related to the export of forecasts. Perhaps, it has already been done previously but I have not located it, sorry if it is so. 
    In a forecast where the automatic best method forecast has been used, you can see also historical data in order to compare with the forecast information. Is there an option to export these historical data?
    I`ve made a few tries but in all of them, it only exports the forecast data. In the documentation I have only seen that it says about the visualization but not about the export. 

    Thanks in advance. 


    #WFM #Forecast #ExportForcast 


    Laura Cepeda
    Indra Sistemas S.A.

  • 2.  RE: WFM-Export historical forecast data

    Posted 06-02-2023 08:41

    Actuals are queried from Analytics (historical aggregated queue queries) and not part of the forecast. So, the forecast export will only be for forecast metrics. What is it you are attempting to accomplish by exporting everything? If it is to show others, then perhaps grant read-only permission to forecasts for them so that they can view the forecast in the interface.

    Jay Langsford
    VP, R&D

  • 3.  RE: WFM-Export historical forecast data

    Posted 06-02-2023 08:52

    Thanks Jay for your answer. I understand that historical data are not part of the forecast, just to know. Our Customer wants data of the forecast for this summer and also wants to compare with data from the previous years, in order to know how accuarate is the forecast. In the last 2 years, the organization increased the volumen of resources considerably and also needs the information y .csv for some departments that they dont have access to the interface. 

    In any case,thanks. 

    Laura Cepeda
    Indra Sistemas S.A.

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