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What 3 Movies Describe You?

  • 1.  What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 02-20-2024 11:39
    Edited by Nicole Milliken 03-13-2024 11:28

    Hey folks! 

    A fun icebreaker I was recently asked was, "If you could pick three movies that described your personality, what would they be?" I thought this would be a perfect question for our newest contest "Predict the Oscar Ballots" challenge in the Trivia Tower. If you answer this question and play the trivia game, you'll earn 3 extra points onto your total score. 

    Also, the winner of the most correct poll answers will win an item from the amazing Prize Wall!

    Because this is such a "deep thoughts" question for me, I'll get back to you with my answer! In the meantime, post below what three movies describe you! Feel free to upload the movie poster in your post to make it creative :) 

    Can't wait to read your answers and have fun in playing in Trivia Tower!


    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 2.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 02-21-2024 10:54

    This was a hard question for sure, but here is my answer to the best of my ability (these films are subject to change based on mood, but they at least capture how I am feeling at this moment). 

    1) Aladdin - This was a massively formative film for me! Loved the humor, the imagination, and I do a fair amount of singing during daily life, so I feel like it needs to be included. 

    2) When Harry Met Sally - I'll give credit to my mom for this one, because she originally said, "You remind me of Harry" (for better or worse, I guess).

    3) Dr. Strangelove - This third pick was a tough one, but I knew that I wanted a dark comedy and to have Kubrick film is a definite bonus. I am also all about communication, coordination, and collaboration and this movie is a great example of what happens when those things can go off the rails. For what it's worthy, my favorite part of the movie is when Kong (what a great name) is going over everything that is included in the bomb squad's survival kit. 

    Matt Lawson
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager

  • 3.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 02-21-2024 13:57

    Matt said it - this is a hard one! However, I absolutely needed the distraction today. These might not be "the" three, but they're a good three.

    1 - Wayne's World

    It's my "I could watch this over and over and over" movie. It's a good representation of my sense of humor, with a pretty rocking soundtrack to boot.

    2 - Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

    It delivers on sing-ability, hilarity, and big nerd vibes. 

    3 - The Addams Family (Raul Julia edition)

    They're a quirky but devoted family. Bonus points: I was given the nickname "Wednesday" in high school by a group of acquaintances. 

    Emily Kammerer
    Ascendium Education Solutions, Inc.

  • 4.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 02-21-2024 14:04

    Wayne's World has a rich fandom! I honestly had no idea until recently and watched it for the first time. It is aging so well.

    Bonus Points - Thank you for specifying the Addams Family edition!! :D

    Matt Lawson
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager

  • 5.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 02-21-2024 14:26

    Emily! I think we bonded on this before but WAYNE'S WORLD is one of my allllll time favorites! And I would say is one of the movies that actually has a great sequel which doesn't always happen. "No Stairway? Denied!"

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 6.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 02-22-2024 07:03

    Yes! Totally agree on the sequel. I was just skimming yesterday's community digest emails and your crazy guitar solo in the 'nominate a rockstar' post conjured this image - even before I noticed your Stairway comment!

    Emily Kammerer
    Ascendium Education Solutions, Inc.

  • 7.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 02-22-2024 09:25

    I love Garth's epic drum solo, too. "I like to play..." HAHAHA

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 8.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 02-21-2024 14:25

    Hello Everyone!  I really like this icebreaker as we get closer to the Academy Awards.

    Here are three movies that best describes me.

    1. The Pride of the Yankees- I am a huge Yankees fan!  I enjoy the game of baseball and really enjoy going to Yankee Stadium.
    2. Invincible- This movie shows that sometimes life can knock you down or put in obstacles to make your life challenging, but with hard work and determination you can work through that to accomplish your dreams and goals.  My life has been full of twists and turns but I've worked hard to be successful.  It helps this story involves my favorite football team, the Philadelphia Eagles!
    3. Office Space- I've worked in an office my entire work career so I've built up friendships through humor and getting to know people.  I like to make people laugh in the office by telling dad jokes and building relationships!

    Matthew Aubin
    Raymours Furniture Company, Inc. d/b/a Raymour & Flanigan Furniture and Mattresses

  • 9.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 02-21-2024 21:55

    Like Matt this list would change based on mood or any number of things. Personality isn't so static. But here is my list:

    Short circuit

    I remember watching this on VHS, such nostalgia. Also a little controversial now, but so am I. It has robots, tech, learning, problem solving. So good.

    Nope No GIF - Nope No No Way GIFs

    Mirror Mask

    It is artsy, a little dark and weird, there is exploration, adventure and has it's funny moments.

    Howl's Moving Castle

    I just wanted to include this because its so good. And anyone can find something to relate to in this masterpiece.

    Anton Vroon

  • 10.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 02-22-2024 08:34

    I just watched Howl's for the first time! What an accomplishment in animation. I could watch that castle move around all day, so cool. 

    I've never seen Short Circuit...I know. I know. A glaring oversight. 

    Matt Lawson
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager

  • 11.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 02-22-2024 15:13

    I recently started introducing my kids to the Studio Ghibli films, they are still young so Howl's would be a tad too scary for them. But they love Poyo and My Neighbor Totoro. And I'm loving rewatching them all too. But Howls is definitely one of my favorites. 

    Anton Vroon

  • 12.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 02-22-2024 09:41
    Edited by Nicole Milliken 02-22-2024 09:49

    There are some on this list I totally agree with! (But since Emily got to Wayne's World first, I'll let her have it, haha). My three movie titles would be: 

    1. Wet, Hot, American Summer: This is one of my all-time favorite comedies with hilarious one-liners, and just absurd comedy. It's something I can watch over and over again:

    2. Lost Boys: I am a sucker for a great vampire movie, and I also love 80s movies like Just One of the Guys, so I had to go with this one. It has all the 80s camp with the great vampire action. It's gold for me.

    3. Moulin Rouge: Like Matt, I love a great sing-a-long musical and this movie has it all! Baz Luhrmann's whimsical, overly dramatic love story is not only gorgeous, but the music is amazing and the hints of comedy really come through for me on this one.

    This was fun! 

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 13.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 02-22-2024 15:35

    Moulin Rouge is fantastic. I love the Tango De Roxanne piece in that. So good.

    Regret not picking a music now, Would probably have picked Little Shop Of Horrors if I had.

    Anton Vroon

  • 14.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 02-22-2024 16:09

    Oh man! My hubby would be so mad that I didn't select "Little Shop" because believe it or not, I was in that play in college and that's how we met! LOL! Also, if you haven't shown your kids "Song of the Sea" that is a beautiful Irish animation that is worthy of a watch. 

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 15.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 02-22-2024 17:10

    Oh wow. What roles did you both play? A friend of mine is currently producing and directing it at the local theatre, unfortunately I don't have the time to commit to a production, but excited to see their version of it when they put on the show.

    Song of the Sea is going on the list. Might be a little much for the 2 year old though, and need to find somewhere in NZ that streams it or has available for purchase which is not easy, or go down the VPN path. I've been craving a rewatch of SG-1 and absolutely no one in NZ is streaming it.

    Anton Vroon

  • 16.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 03-01-2024 08:50

    Absolutely love the The Lost Boys.......

    Nicki Dehn
    AAA Club Alliance

  • 17.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 02-22-2024 18:37

    So many to choose from but at this moment in time. The music and emotions from these three just resonate with me

    1. ET -

          2. Interstellar

           3. The Martian

    Heena Patel

  • 18.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 02-23-2024 09:20

    All space movies! Interesting! The first time I saw E.T. I cried for a week!

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 19.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 02-23-2024 12:45

    Heena! Are you following the Odysseus mission? 

    Matt Lawson
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager

  • 20.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 02-22-2024 21:55

    I think if I chose based on the real intent here I'd be revealing a bit too much about me so I'll go for the light version ;)

    1. Dark City
    2. Truman Show
    3. Planet of the Apes (original 70s version)

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 21.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 02-23-2024 10:59

    Robocop 1

    I derive a lot of my humor for movies from this generation and genre.

    What about Bob

    It shows the lighter side of mental health, which is important.

    Hot Fuzz

    It showcases how something fairly ordinary and routine can be completely off the rails underneath it all.

    Aaron Lael
    State of Utah - comments on this forum reflect my own personal opinions\observations and are separate from any entity I am otherwise involved in.

  • 22.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 02-23-2024 12:46

    If only you had posted this yesterday! 

    James Moran on X: "Want to feel old?? Hot Fuzz came out in ...

    Matt Lawson
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager

  • 23.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 02-28-2024 00:40
    Edited by Ashiesh Sharma 02-28-2024 00:42

    That is indeed a very interesting question.

    1. I have always loved time-travelling. It all started with "Back to the Future."
      One of my favourites is  "The Time Traveller's Wife." (Although, it took me a while to understand "Tenet")
    2. Secondly, I relate to "The Bourne franchise" & "Mission Impossible" series; not that I'm an Agent or something.
      I was a fan of Matt Damon & until Tom Cruise took the lead with "Top-Gun", "Reacher" & "MI series"
    3. Spider Man, the most hardworking super-hero is what I call him. Starting from Toby Maguire to Andrew Garfield & now Tom Holland, all have well played the character.
      "You know, I'm something of an Athlete myself." (You know if you know.)

    Spider-Man Breaks Up Fight On New York City Street Bystanders Cheer

    So yeah, Time-Travelling, Rogue Agents & a neighbourhood superhero is what I (or atleast would like to) relate to !! :)

    Ashiesh Sharma
    BT plc

  • 24.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 02-29-2024 07:34

    My answer: Back to the Future 1, 2, 3 -- seems like I'm stuck in the past at times. :)

    Harley Breth
    Philadelphia Church of God Inc

  • 25.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 02-29-2024 11:12

    Life Is Sweet

    Groundhog Day 

    Forest Gump

    Sheila Lyons
    Sales Coordinator
    Eccentex Corporation

  • 26.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 02-29-2024 11:29

    I have never heard of "Life is Sweet" let the research begin!

    Matt Lawson
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager

  • 27.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 02-29-2024 13:27

    I've had 2 all time favorite movies for a few years now, so I can say my first two picks easily:

    Pride and Prejudice (2005)

    While I know that there is another version of this movie from the 90', I haven't seen it yet, but this is a movie I can watch over and over again and never get tired of it. The costumes are fantastic, the locations are so beautiful they are now on my travel bucket list, and the soundtrack is so freaking incredible it's just bananas. I've memorized Darcy's speech from the end. Also, the hand scene. If you know, you know.

    The Help

    I was vaguely aware that Viola Davis was a fantastic actress before watching this, but I legitimately think that she should have won an Oscar for her performance here. Octavia Spencer and Emma Stone are also incredible in this, the story is moving and compelling, and although the theme is a bit heavy, it is treated beautifully. A wonderful book adaptation.

    Now the third took some time and it might not be what you'd expect, considering the first two:


    This Disney animation is so freaking good! The animation style, the colors and the music are absolutely breath taking, and when I first saw Miguel sing to Mama Coco, I literally cried.

    I'm gonna go through this list later to find some movie recs! 

    Cintia Querino
    Magazine Luiza SA

  • 28.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 03-01-2024 08:48
    Edited by Nicole Dehn 03-01-2024 08:54

    My Cousin Vinny (may not be from NY, but I am a strong Jersey girl)

    Napoleon Dynamite (my high school was like this and I'm not afraid to be my own person-just dance it out!)

    Under the Tuscan Sun (Just simply love this movie. Sometimes poor choices can lead to happy endings -we are where we are supposed to be...)

    Nicki Dehn
    AAA Club Alliance

  • 29.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 03-01-2024 14:39

    This was a "deep thoughts" question - love it!  Here are my three movies about me:

    • Midnight in Paris:  Owen Wilson is a writer & longs to own a nostalgia shop with art/books from his favorite era - the 1920s.  
      Movie Review Rewind: Midnight in Paris ...
    • Phantom Thread:  Daniel Day-Lewis is a creative perfectionist, who falls ill to finally rest.Paul Thomas Anderson's Film "Phantom Thread" Premieres on HBO | Nonesuch  Records
    • Moonrise Kingdowm:  Campy, rebellious love.
      44 Facts about the movie Moonrise Kingdom -

    misty m mitchell-arizpe
    Genesys - Employees

  • 30.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 03-01-2024 16:30

    Secondhand lions - I relate to the shy child who is relocated to stay with unfamiliar uncles who tell fantastic stories of bravado, fights and wealth. 

    Image result for secondhand lions. Size: 155 x 200. Source: <a" class="img-responsive" data-mce-hlimagekey="49991f9b-8239-f35d-796a-3232835e3971" data-mce-hlselector="#ReplyInline_51015d1be2184c5c979a002407ce0da9-tinyMce">

    The Martian - the ingenuity of Mark Watney resonates with me...not that I am isolated or stranded in the same sense but at times we must push forward with a sense of discovery and logic to obtain optimal results. 

    The Help - I love this movie and this book!

    Image result for The Help. Size: 221 x 150. Source:

    Glenda Kingston
    Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc.

  • 31.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 03-06-2024 07:55

    1. Armageddon. 2. Legally Blond (love a good chick flick) 3. Legion

    Lewis Staffa

  • 32.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 03-06-2024 16:54
    1. The Lego Movie
    2. Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
    3. Miracle

    Joe Ulrich
    Evolve Bank & Trust

  • 33.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 03-07-2024 02:28

    I'm not sure, whether or not they really describe me, but I think most loved things whatever they are always tend to say something about a person.

    So, my all time favorites are  The Lost Boys, Needful Things, The Green Mile

    Monika Gruber
    Expert Design Contact Center Systems
    1&1 Telecommunication SE

  • 34.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 03-11-2024 03:45

    1 skyscraper

    2 transporter

    3 bubbleboy

    Ziyaad Suliman

  • 35.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 03-14-2024 12:07

    Hi, first post - so happy that I found this one to break the ice ;)


    This next to other movies done by Mel Brooks make me laugh whenever I see them.


    I know it's not a move - but it popped into my mind, when selecting my three. ...fighting for the 'good' with awesome looking tools, I think that's the major pattern I claim ;)

    Mamma Mia

    I have a very nice memory about this one, watching it with family mates one random summer day back then :) I really like the 'good and peaceful feelings' the scenery, actors and songs create the moment I turn on that move.

    While tiypng this I realized that it would have been much easier to name three (or even more) movie soundtracks, that matter to me ;)

    Daniel Possekel
    Vattenfall GmbH

  • 36.  RE: What 3 Movies Describe You?

    Posted 03-14-2024 12:22

    Welcome, Daniel! Have you checked out the Welcome Community yet? We have some fun ways to meet people in that community as well as a cool way to earn your "Community Debut Badge." Also, join the Genesys Casual community if you'd like to play in our community contests and events :) We're happy to have ya here. 

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

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