If you had the opportunity

        to ask an expert anything,

        What would you ask?

I know an AMA is happening soon, but what the heck is it?

 is an acronym for "Ask Me Anything!" It's an emerging interview style where the person of interest does not take questions from one person, but from members of an online forum, instead. The idea being that everyone has their chance to ask questions and the expert or person of interest replies to those questions during the specified timeframe. 

How it works? Just another day in the community, only experts will be on hand during the event to answer your questions. No video, no audio, post your question and see if it gets answered. It's a great time to engage with experts on a professional and/or personal level.

Can't Make the AMA? No worries! Feel free to post your questions ahead of time using the AMA tag and catch up on our experts' responses anytime after the event. All discussions are available in the community.

Why should I participate in the AMA?


Access to Experts

These experts are great 
resources, and an AMA is the perfect time to pick their brain.

Time Sensitive

You can post a question
and walk away. If you
can’t stay for the
live discussion, you can
catch up on the expert's replies later.

Stress-Free Chatting

Not an expert in the chosen field? Don't worry, our experts love to discuss other topics also. Need help picking out a gift or nailing a recipe?

Agile Subjects

Let us know what experts
or topics you want to hear
about! Drop a line to

Schedule of Upcoming AMAs 

Uh oh! Nothing scheduled...

Have an idea for an AMA? We'd love to hear from you! Email us:

Questions About AMA?

Feel free to Ask any questions and share any suggestions you may have about AMAs in the Genesys Casual Community.
We'd love to hear from you.