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  • 1.  Olympic Word Scramble Winner announced!!!

    Posted 08-12-2024 11:02

    EHY EEVRNOE (Hey Everyone!)

    The final Community Olympics side challenge has come to an end. And the results for this World Scramble were pretty awesome! A few fun stats: 

    Almost everyone missed the plural "S" on Community Rockstars and not many people got the three-point bonus which was "Community Debut Challenge." But I was very impressed at how many answers people got correctly with that looming timer counting down. Way to go! 

    Now for the winner announcement and it comes with a TWIST!!! We had two competitors that got 12/17 correctly, in the three-minute time period, and neither got the bonus. So to end these Community Olympic Games in true good sportsmanship, we're awarding TWO gold medals to our tied athletes. 

    CONGRATULATIONS TO: @George Ganahl and @Richard Chandler!!! You both get to stand on the top podium representing the USA and the UK. I will be sending out a Google Form for you to fill out with your Prize Wall selection. 

    I'm not sure about you all, but we had a BLAST celebrating the Olympics with the Genesys Community. We are wrapping up our Minute to Win It and will be back soon with the results from that contest. I hope you all had fun and thanks to everyone who participated :)


    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 2.  RE: Olympic Word Scramble Winner announced!!!

    Posted 08-12-2024 11:09

    WooHoo! Thanks, Nicole!

    George Ganahl GCP, GCSME, ICCE, ICHD, etc.
    Senior Principal PS Consultant

  • 3.  RE: Olympic Word Scramble Winner announced!!!

    Posted 08-12-2024 12:04

    Wow! Being equal with one of the Pro Services A Team is an award in itself! Even if on an Olympic event.

    Richard Chandler

  • 4.  RE: Olympic Word Scramble Winner announced!!!

    Posted 08-12-2024 16:39

    Well done, @George Ganahl and @Richard Chandler

    The rest of us need to remember the Ss... lol.

    Amy Sessions
    Division Manager, Utility Customer Service
    City of Clearwater

  • 5.  RE: Olympic Word Scramble Winner announced!!!

    Posted 08-21-2024 14:39

    Thank you much

    George Ganahl GCP, GCSME, ICCE, ICHD, etc.
    Senior Principal PS Consultant

  • 6.  RE: Olympic Word Scramble Winner announced!!!

    Posted 08-13-2024 07:12

    Congratulations to George and Richard!!

    Seean Weaver
    MAPFRE USA - Telecom Analyst

  • 7.  RE: Olympic Word Scramble Winner announced!!!

    Posted 08-21-2024 14:39

    Thanks @Seean Weaver

    George Ganahl GCP, GCSME, ICCE, ICHD, etc.
    Senior Principal PS Consultant

  • 8.  RE: Olympic Word Scramble Winner announced!!!

    Posted 08-18-2024 04:07

    Congratulations @George Ganahl & @Richard Chandler

    Sreekand Muthukrishnan
    NTT Australia Pty Ltd.

  • 9.  RE: Olympic Word Scramble Winner announced!!!

    Posted 08-21-2024 14:38


    George Ganahl GCP, GCSME, ICCE, ICHD, etc.
    Senior Principal PS Consultant

  • 10.  RE: Olympic Word Scramble Winner announced!!!

    Posted 08-25-2024 10:45

    I've been away with my bucket and spade and now awaiting the Paralympics. Thanks all!

    Richard Chandler

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