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Architect data tables user interface updates - not a fan :(

  • 1.  Architect data tables user interface updates - not a fan :(

    Posted 01-12-2024 01:43
    Edited by Samuel Jillard 07-10-2024 07:10

    This weeks release (10 Jan) included Architect data tables user interface updates - and I am not a fan of the new 'improved' layout. 

    Previously the edit page would be full screen and could take advantage of the real estate. And the string field would by default take up 1 line, but could be easy expanded to see more content.

    Now the new layout now squashes the row edit into about 1/3 of the space it uses to occupy with the font size about 20% smaller.

    It also defaults the size (height) of the string field to about 4-5 lines and cannot be made smaller.

    I don't know how this could be a more "more visually intuitive experience" - it just smaller text in a tinier window with endless scrolling :( Could at least make the pop-out edit window fit to width

    Also to use on a mobile to quickly edit/update a data table row is even harder (yes I know a 'mobile' interface isn't expected/supported/optimal - but sometimes I just need to quickly update a value without access to a full desktop interface)

    Before it would be usable in a pinch.

    Now it's still possible, but it's even harder with half the field cut off and excessive margins / whitespace.

    Don't know whether I'm being unreasonable - but I am not a fan of updates that prefer form over function.

    If the edit row could be the same as the Flow Outcome edit page, that would still fit the newer UI look but retain similar function:

    #Omni-Channel Desktop/User Interface


  • 2.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates - not a fan :(

    Posted 01-12-2024 09:26
    Edited by Samuel Jillard 07-10-2024 07:10

    I'm not a fan of the new data table UI, but I'm not surprised. It's part of a downward trend in UI quality that's been happening lately on the platform, including the new Architect UI where you could see less and need a 4k screen to be able to read text, the Email UI (currently in beta) and the disastrous new developer site. It seems that the Genesys design team enjoys making users scroll up and down as if the primary focus of the changes is to add more steps and increase the scrolling time.


  • 3.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates - not a fan :(

    Posted 01-12-2024 11:40

    One thing I like is the data table listing is now in single rows.  Previously, if you had a field of data that was long, it would expand the row in the data listing making it hard to find your entry.  The search at the top is also nice.  The Export Data icon is still wrong - should be down arrow.  I agree with the data entry, while it is supposed to be modern with the expandable boxes and all, it is not for me.  Minimalist to me says Mac of the 80's.

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 4.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates - not a fan :(

    Posted 01-15-2024 09:59

    Robert, I am not seeing this. My Data Table views (both the list of tables and the individual table contents) still expands the rows 😑

    Paul Simpson
    Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

  • 5.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates - not a fan :(

    Posted 01-15-2024 10:28

    It's been rolled back for the moment, although personally I like that the rows expands since it makes the content readable from list instead of having to edit the row to view the entire content.

    Jan Heinonen
    Contact Center Specialist
    GlobalConnect AB

  • 6.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates - not a fan :(

    Posted 01-15-2024 14:10

    Got pulled out.  You can see why I don't like the old view:

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 7.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates - not a fan :(

    Posted 01-15-2024 14:20

    Indeed I can!

    Paul Simpson
    Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

  • 8.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates - not a fan :(

    Posted 01-15-2024 04:06

    Yeah, I find the new edit "panel" is a step back in usability.

    All they needed to do was add a search bar to the list of tables, which they've done, and ideally make the search bar inside a table allow wildcards or filter based on entry (rather than needing an exact match as it is now).

    I don't understand why some UI changes get beta tests and some don't, I struggle to accept most users would say this panel is an improvement.

    James Dunn
    Pitney Bowes Inc.

  • 9.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates - not a fan :(

    Posted 01-15-2024 10:13

    What I would like to see is the ability to search / sort a Data Table by something other than the Key column.

    I would also like to see the column data types expanded to include built-in Genesys ones (e.g. Skill, or Queue) Many people use Data Tables to dynamically program these things (no judgement here!) but you have to use a String and then use appropriate logic in Architect. Not only can / does this lead to typos, but it is also inefficiencies and can introduce errors down the line. For example, if you try to delete an object that is referenced, you get a warning, or an error, however if it's referenced by name in a Data Table, you don't (since the system has no way of knowing that the String contains, say, Queue names!) The dependency viewer also doesn't work for the same reason. I get that this is probably a bigger ask than just the UI 😉 - Ideas site here I come!

    Paul Simpson
    Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

  • 10.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates - not a fan :(
    Best Answer

    Posted 07-10-2024 11:52

    Hey Everyone,

    It would seem you aren't alone in wanting some improvements and I found this idea, Data Tables operations improvement, which you could vote on and add your input so that it can be considered for future updates (if you haven't already).

    Samuel Jillard
    Online Community Manager/Moderator
    Genesys - Employees

  • 11.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates - not a fan :(

    Posted 07-10-2024 12:36

    Thanks, Samuel!

    I have added my comment / request / suggestion to that Idea.

    Paul Simpson
    Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

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