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Content search for a specific queue

  • 1.  Content search for a specific queue

    Posted 11-20-2024 04:48

    We have a requirement where we need to review complaints on a specific queue. We have the topic set up for complaints, but when filtering to the required queue, and then using the content search for the topic, the interactions returned show conversations where this topic occurs on a different segment of the conversation.

    It is important the interactions we review are specific to the filtered queue, but we need to select several interactions before we find what we are looking for.  Does anyone have a better way of finding the specified topic on the specified queue only?


    Heather Henderson

  • 2.  RE: Content search for a specific queue

    Posted 11-21-2024 05:41

    Hi Heather,

    Can you clarify what you mean by the topic occurs on a different segment of the conversation? Content Search view should show you the interactions that include the topic you are filtering by, regardless of where in that interaction the topic was detected.  Screen shots of what you are seeing in Content Search would be helpful!


    Adi Goodman
    Product Manager

  • 3.  RE: Content search for a specific queue

    Posted 11-24-2024 11:30

    Hi @Adi Goodman

    The customer calls the switchboard and the complaint topic is detected. They are transferred to the appropriate queue and the enquiry is dealt with before transferring on to a further queue about another enquiry. The complaint topic is not detected in the second or third queue - only in the first portion of the call when speaking with the switchboard.  I only want to find the topic when detected on the final portion (queue) of the call. 

    Sorry I can't share a screenshot as this would show personal information.

    I think you are telling me this is not possible as it will always identify the topic regardless of which queue the interaction was in at the time it was mentioned - is that the case?

    Thanks, Heather 

    Heather Henderson

  • 4.  RE: Content search for a specific queue

    Posted 11-25-2024 03:09

    Hi Heather, 

    I believe you could restrict the detection of the Complaint topic to the specific queues used in the last portion of the calls, if you were to create a program focused on these last queues. The Complaints topic would have to be associated only with that program though - otherwise, it will continue to run against all your other queues. I'm not sure if that fits what you are trying to achieve here - I just thought it might help.

    Best regards, 


    Gaëlle BISSEY
    Customer Insights Analytics manager at Sage

  • 5.  RE: Content search for a specific queue

    Posted 11-25-2024 08:27

    @Heather Henderson how is the program you have associated to the Complaint topic set up today?
    I would verify that it is assigned to the relevant queues/flows in which you wish to detect that topic.

    Adi Goodman
    Product Manager

  • 6.  RE: Content search for a specific queue

    Posted 11-25-2024 09:01

    Thanks Adi - the queues are assigned to the program.

    Heather Henderson

  • 7.  RE: Content search for a specific queue

    Posted 11-26-2024 05:37

    Hi Heather,
    Can you please describe the scenario in general and what you expect to have that is not happening? From queues and programs perspective.

    I'm trying to understand to know how to help you.


    Shai Alon
    Staff Software Engineer

  • 8.  RE: Content search for a specific queue

    Posted 11-26-2024 05:44

    Hi Shai

    We currently have one program with all queues and bespoke topics assigned to it.

    When an interaction occurs, it may hit 3 of the queues, but the topic may only be mentioned on the first queue. I want to be able to filter to the queue and topic and pull through interactions where the topic has specifically been mentioned on the third queue that was hit.

    Currently, a content search will pull through all interactions that hit the third queue, regardless of which queue the topic was mentioned in.

    Thanks, Heather 

    Heather Henderson

  • 9.  RE: Content search for a specific queue