Hi Robert, thank you for your input. Below are some comments and questions that I responded with.
- We are currently working on tool tips for naming in the eventID drop downs and will make announcements when that is added.
- Do you feel you still need the developer center page for the event definitions with the Event Catalog expandable within the view?
- We have more limit events being worked on which may interest you more. We introduced the ability to filter out events you aren't interested in.
- The cross dashboard navigation is expected to take you directly into the part of the flow you need to fix.
- Could you clarify which type of station events you would want to see?
- We are looking at the possibility of generally storing these events for longer to support an in-view dashboard.
- I like your idea of pinning an event. While troubleshooting, how would you expect to interact with this pinned message?
- We are continuing to research into more integration events and possibly ones specific to data actions (separate from Limit events)
- Great callout on the graph. We are looking into later having a landing page with visualizations for summarizing the events.
Genesys - Employees-Chris Fischer
Sr. Product Manager, User Experience
Original Message:
Sent: 07-16-2024 16:41
From: Robert Wakefield-Carl
Subject: Cross dashboard navigation in the Operational Console
Here are my suggestions:
- Tool tips in the drop-down menu for the event definition to let us know what each is for like you have in the listing
- Direct link on the page to the event definitions
- Not showing events like Limit Event 001 for 90% of usage
- Show the entity name like the name of the flow
- Show the station errors like WebRTC issues
- Showing 90 or 120 days of information
- Pinning events that are of interest
- Integration and data action issues.
- Graph of event types and number of occurances
Robert Wakefield-Carl
ttec Digital
Sr. Director - Innovation Architects
Original Message:
Sent: 07-16-2024 16:29
From: Chris Fischer
Subject: Cross dashboard navigation in the Operational Console
The Operational Console provides administrators with visibility to events which could impact the operations of their orgs. There is continued work to improve the functionality of the console and catalog of events. One area of functionality is cross dashboard navigation which is allowing the user to redirect from within the Operational Console into the relevant tooling to fix the underlying issue for the event. An example being with the Architect-0002 event and a broken flow. When the administrator views this event, they can follow a link which would take them directly to the part of the flow which is broken. This functionality would be added for each event which has a relevant dashboard or tooling to address the underlying issue.
Question for the community:
- Would a new column in the Operational Console page with an icon or a link within the additional details be a preferred approach?
- Are there specific operational events currently available which you find most valuable?
- Are there specific events or addressable scenarios you are most interested in seeing?
Genesys - Employees-Chris Fischer
Sr. Product Manager, User Experience