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  • 1.  Defaulting an organisation code for the Genesys cloud application

    Posted 12-04-2024 00:59

    Hi all,

    Some of my users want to try the genesys cloud application on their computer as it's easier than the web interface when you have many tabs open, but I can't seem to work out how to default it to an organisation code and to SSO automatically.  I would like the users to open the application and have it SSO automatically.

    Any ideas?


    Andrew Casey
    IT Infrastructure Support

  • 2.  RE: Defaulting an organisation code for the Genesys cloud application

    Posted 12-04-2024 07:54

    Hello Andrew, 

    If I am understanding you correctly. You want the Desktop App to log agents in automatically with out them pressing a button? Let me know if I got that right. 

    I don't believe this is available as the product stands right now. You might be able to develop something that does this but out of the box I can't think of anything. This might be worth an enhancement request in our ideas lab though, to see how many of our customers would like something like this. 


    Online Community Manager/Moderator

  • 3.  RE: Defaulting an organisation code for the Genesys cloud application

    Posted 12-04-2024 14:38

    Hi Cameron,

    Thanks very much for your reply.  I understand that we won't be able to do SSO right off the bat, but a deal breaker is not being able to provide the org code so the SSO option will be available for people to click on.  Our org code is a mix of letters and numbers that mean nothing to our users, so it will need to be provided to them in an e-mail for them to enter on first use.  An e-mail that no one will read, causing them to call into our servicedesk in droves (it's happened before).

    Is there a way I can deploy this program with the org code?

    Andrew Casey
    IT Infrastructure Support

  • 4.  RE: Defaulting an organisation code for the Genesys cloud application
    Best Answer

    Posted 12-05-2024 08:26

    Please vote on

    Bert Barrez
    Voice, Telephony Supervisor, International Infrastructure

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