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Double ringing in Salesforce embedded client and Genesys Cloud

  • 1.  Double ringing in Salesforce embedded client and Genesys Cloud

    Posted 09-25-2023 10:03


    We are finding that both the Salesforce embedded client and Genesys Cloud ring when a call comes in - not in unison.  While it makes sense that both would ring, there should be a way to disable the sound for one.  Is there any way to disable the sound settings for just Genesys Cloud (it looks as though the sound cannot be muted in Genesys Cloud for calls, only turned down)?  Genesys Cloud also has been reported to continue ringing after the call in answered in the Salesforce client.  Our users have abandoned the use of Genesys Cloud as they find the double ringing too distracting, which is problematic as we have recently introduced Workforce Management and Time Off via Genesys Cloud.

    Any advice would be appreciated!



    Jennifer DiCesare
    Esri Canada

  • 2.  RE: Double ringing in Salesforce embedded client and Genesys Cloud

    Posted 09-25-2023 13:15


    Genesys do not recommend, or support, the running of multiple clients simultaneously as the same user (whether on the same machine, or not.) This includes the opening of multiple tabs in the browser. It is for exactly this reason (and some similar behavior.)

    As you have seen, it won't prevent you from doing it, but I would advise you to stick to one client at a time.


    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 3.  RE: Double ringing in Salesforce embedded client and Genesys Cloud

    Posted 09-25-2023 13:28

    Hi Paul,

    Thanks for the response.  Is Genesys Cloud considered an embedded client?  Looking at the documentation with the warning you mentioned, it references the embedded client for Chrome, but I believe this is different than the OOTB Genesys Could.

    I would expect a single embedded client and Genesys Cloud to be able to both be leveraged.  Especially with Workforce Management in the picture as it has VERY limited functionality within the embedded client, which increases the need for users to also leverage Genesys Cloud.



    Jennifer DiCesare
    Esri Canada

  • 4.  RE: Double ringing in Salesforce embedded client and Genesys Cloud

    Posted 09-25-2023 15:28
    Edited by Eduard Roehrich 09-25-2023 15:38

    Hi Jennifer,

    We're aware of the double ringing and many customers experience issues with this in a scenario that includes Salesforce (or another CRM) and Genesys Cloud with WFM & WEM features being utilized.

    To address this, we recently introduced a way to embed the WEM activity view directly into Salesforce as an app/tab - documentation here: WEM activity view in Genesys Cloud for Salesforce - Genesys Cloud Resource Center

    This allows agents to view their current or upcoming schedule, scorecard, leaderboard, coaching appointments, and evaluations directly in Salesforce without the need of having the full Genesys Cloud client open. Since agents will only have Salesforce with the embedded client open and access all their relevant WEM information through the Genesys tab, there won't be any double ringing.

    I hope this helps!

    Eduard Roehrich
    Senior Product Manager
    Gamification, Engagement and Performance Management

  • 5.  RE: Double ringing in Salesforce embedded client and Genesys Cloud

    Posted 09-25-2023 15:49

    Hi Eduard,

    Thanks for the prompt response.  It's great to see the personal schedule included in the embedded client and we have already begun using it!  I hope there are plans for more integration between WFM and embedded client as time goes on.

    One of the benefits we leverage WFM for is the ability to view team schedules.  We often check agent availability between teams for both the current day and future days.  Additionally, we try to have flexible break times and we need to see who is scheduled to be On Queue prior to taking a break, which becomes more important when some staff have time off planned.

    Furthermore, we leverage Performance Views to see who is On Queue on our teams when necessary.  This is done on an ad-hoc basis.

    We are a smaller call center so this transparency that Genesys Cloud provides is imperative to our workflows.

    Thank you!


    Jennifer DiCesare
    Esri Canada

  • 6.  RE: Double ringing in Salesforce embedded client and Genesys Cloud

    Posted 09-26-2023 03:00
    Edited by Dave Chivers 09-26-2023 03:00

    Hi Jennifer,

    As Eduard mentioned, there is now a more formal solution via the embedded client, but we were able to resolve this issue manually via the agents muting either the Salesforce or Genesys Tab within Chrome. I am not 100%, but imagine this can be done on other browsers too. From our experience the agents only needed to do this the once, and it solved having alerts from both which they found jarring.



    Dave Chivers
    Ovo Energy Ltd

  • 7.  RE: Double ringing in Salesforce embedded client and Genesys Cloud

    Posted 09-26-2023 12:37

    Hi Dave,

    This sounds like a feasible solution for us.  Thank you for sharing!


    Jennifer DiCesare
    Esri Canada

  • 8.  RE: Double ringing in Salesforce embedded client and Genesys Cloud

    Posted 11-30-2023 10:47

    Hi Dave - just wanted to follow up on this.  This week, we noticed that leveraging the Mute Site option in Genesys Cloud disabled the sound on the embedded client, ultimately causing the agents to not hear anything when answering a call.

    I don't remember this happening in the past, although I'm not sure if many staff were using this option until this week.  Have you noticed any recent changes for staff that are using the Mute Site option?  I'm curious if Genesys made a change.  I don't notice the double ringing happening now either, even with both sites having the sound enabled, which makes me think they did.

    Jennifer DiCesare
    Esri Canada

  • 9.  RE: Double ringing in Salesforce embedded client and Genesys Cloud

    Posted 12-01-2023 01:35

    Hello Jennifer,

    You can enable this flag in Chrome which will allow you to just mute the Tab instead of the site which will ensure that your salesforce still have the audio running.

    Visit chrome://flags. Search for 'Tab Audio muting UI control' flag or visit chrome://flags/#enable-tab-audio-muting. Select 'Enabled' and Restart the browser.

    Just remember Google is playing with this flag they sometime remove it from one version and bring back in another.

    Prateek Sethi

  • 10.  RE: Double ringing in Salesforce embedded client and Genesys Cloud

    Posted 03-06-2024 08:25

    Jennifer,  how was your progress since December ?  We are seeing the same 

    John Korn
    Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.

  • 11.  RE: Double ringing in Salesforce embedded client and Genesys Cloud

    Posted 03-06-2024 09:36

    Hi John.  Since we found muting the Genesys Cloud site was also muting the ring via the embedded client/WebRTC, we asked staff to stop muting the site and limiting their use of Genesys Cloud where possible.  Due to this, we haven't really been tracking the issue much.

    Upon testing this morning, it seems that the double ring might still be an issue, however it's hard to tell.  The rings are almost at the exact same time, but one sounds delayed by a millisecond, so it's barely noticeable.  Enabling the "mute site" option on the Genesys Cloud site did not prevent the embedded client/WebRTC from ringing this morning.  For reference, my Chrome is currently on version 122.0.6261.95.

    Based on Prateek's post, I'm guessing Chrome was making changes with the Mute Site functionality causing us to see different results over time.

    Jennifer DiCesare
    Esri Canada

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