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  • 1.  How to Create A Back Up Queue in Genesys Cloud

    Posted 11-12-2024 16:31


    We are testing a new chat queue for business accounts on our website and the organization is going to have one person in this queue during the week to assist measuring traffic.  The issue I am trying to overcome is how to redirect a chat when this one person is not on queue for breaks, lunches, etc.  We have not transferred over to the new messenger platform yet, we are looking to accomplish this by the end of the year.  The direct back up queue process does not work for web chats.

    I am looking to quickly get this stood up so any help would be great!

    Thank you,


    Matthew Aubin
    Solution Owner

  • 2.  RE: How to Create A Back Up Queue in Genesys Cloud

    Posted 11-12-2024 21:35

    You might be able to do this with some sort of monitor of the queue or an alert and then an API call, but it will not be easy.  With Web Messaging which you should move to ASAP, has an In-Queue Messaging flow and you can EASILY do what you want to accomplish in this flow. 

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 3.  RE: How to Create A Back Up Queue in Genesys Cloud

    Posted 11-13-2024 16:26

    Matthew, as Robert said, you need to move from Chat to Messaging ASAP. The former is deprecated and will be going away in the middle of next year.

    That being said, if you are OK with doing it "up front", you can perform an API call in your inbound flow to determine how many agents are on queue and if there are none, redirect to backup. Obviously this wouldn't help if the Agent goes on a break while someone is waiting in queue though!

    Paul Simpson
    Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

  • 4.  RE: How to Create A Back Up Queue in Genesys Cloud

    Posted 11-13-2024 16:33

    We are going to be on messenger relatively soon, but I'm being required to get this going while we finish the migration.  I'm not sure how to run an API to check how many are available in the queue and based on what I've researched its not an easy thing to set up in the integrations step! Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

    Matthew Aubin
    Solution Owner

  • 5.  RE: How to Create A Back Up Queue in Genesys Cloud
    Best Answer

    Posted 11-13-2024 16:52

    OK, Broad Steps are:

    1. Create an OAuth Client of Type "Client Credentials". Copy the Client ID and Client Secret to a Notepad.
    2. Go to "Integrations" and add the "Genesys Cloud Data Action" Integration
    3. Configure this to use the credentials you created (and noted) in Step 1.
    4. Activate the Integration.
    5. Inside Actions, you will see a bunch of default actions created.
    6. Create a new Action that used the integration.
    7. On the Setup Tab, create an Input Contract with a String called "QUEUE_ID" and an Output Contract with a Integer called users.
    8. Under configuration, ser the Request URL Template to /api/v2/routing/queues/${input.QUEUE_ID}/users?joined-true&presence=On%20Queue
    9. In the Response configuration, put
        "translationMap": {
          "users": "$.total"
        "translationMapDefaults": {},
        "successTemplate": "{\n \"users\": ${users}\n}"
    10. Go to the Test tab and run a test!! (You will need the GUID for the queue)
    11. Save and Publish
    12. In Architect, you can now call your Data Action and get back the number of Agents On Queue.
    13. If you want On Queue AND Idle, then add &routingStatus=idle to the URL in Step 8.

    That's the basic process, but post back if you need clarification.


    Paul Simpson
    Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

  • 6.  RE: How to Create A Back Up Queue in Genesys Cloud

    Posted 11-14-2024 13:01

    Hi Paul,

    Thank you so much for your assistance! Those steps worked and I was able to accomplish this work around until we move to messenger.

    I appreciate all your assistance.

    Thank you,

    Matthew Aubin
    Solution Owner

  • 7.  RE: How to Create A Back Up Queue in Genesys Cloud

    Posted 11-14-2024 13:09

    No problem! It was written in a bit of a hurry, so I'm glad it worked! 😉

    Would you mind marking my post as the Best Answer so it helps anyone else facing a similar issue? Thanks!

    Paul Simpson
    Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

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