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  • 1.  How to pass input from genesys cloud CX to Dialogflow CX

    Posted 07-26-2023 05:57

    Im integrating a dialogflow cx bot with genesys cloud cx, Im figuring out how to take input as DTMF and Pass it to Dialogflow CX. I've attached my flow, kindly suggest what can be done.


    Pratik Singh
    Black Box Limited

  • 2.  RE: How to pass input from genesys cloud CX to Dialogflow CX

    Posted 07-26-2023 10:27

    1) Make sure the session parameter input key name (TPIN in your case) exactly matches the dialogflow agent's expected session parameter name.
    2) Change the value to assign to expression mode instead of literal.  Right now you are sending the literal letters Tas... instead of the 123... that your caller entered.

    Melissa Bailey
    Genesys - Employees

  • 3.  RE: How to pass input from genesys cloud CX to Dialogflow CX

    Posted 07-26-2023 11:46

    Hey Melissa,

    Thanks for helping me out, but I need to understand how I will collect the user input while the Bot component is in use, as all the interaction is done at the dialogflow side. Let's suppose I use "collect input" before the "call dialogflow cx bot" is initiated or after the "call dialogflow cx bot" then my complete flow will fall apart.

    Pratik Singh
    Black Box Limited

  • 4.  RE: How to pass input from genesys cloud CX to Dialogflow CX

    Posted 07-26-2023 12:23

    If you need to pass a value from a collect input action into the dialogflow CX bot, then use an input session parameter to the dialogflow CX bot.

    If you use a collect input action after the call dialogflow CX bot, then either the bot didn't need that value to execute, or you should have designed your flow to get the value before calling the dialogflow CX bot.

    Melissa Bailey
    Genesys - Employees

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