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  • 1.  Invoking Workflow through Trigger for Callback

    Posted 11-10-2024 04:34

    Hi All,

    We have one use case where we need to some data to third party API after each callback call. So I am trying to use trigger to invoke Workflow so that I can send all the required data to the API, but somehow not able to invoke Workflow through trigger.

    Is there any idea where it is getting failed. Or is there any other option available to get this done.


    Ashish Kumar Sinha

  • 2.  RE: Invoking Workflow through Trigger for Callback
    Best Answer

    Posted 11-11-2024 06:44

    As you are already using the topic "{id}.callback.end", is there a specific reason you want to check "disconnectType" too ?
    Try removing the "disconnectType" and then see if your workflow gets initiated.

    Vineet Kakroo
    Senior Technical Consultant

  • 3.  RE: Invoking Workflow through Trigger for Callback

    Posted 11-11-2024 07:26

    Hi Vineet,

    Thanks for your response!

    We are already using the same settings for Campaign related calls where we put mediaType as Voice and it is working as expected. We tested without disconnectType also but did not work.

    Ashish Kumar Sinha

  • 4.  RE: Invoking Workflow through Trigger for Callback

    Posted 11-11-2024 07:47

    would be good to see what your workflow looks like. as you are using TopLevelPrimitives, they are case-sensitive and needs to be referenced correctly in the workflow.

    so does your workflow actually execute or not ?

    Vineet Kakroo
    Senior Technical Consultant

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