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  • 1.  Limitation: Merging Identified Contacts with CSV Imported Contacts in External Contacts Bulk Import

    Posted 11-20-2024 12:23
    Edited by Fatemeh Toyserkani 11-22-2024 11:43

    Known Limitation:
    In the current version of the External Contacts CSV Bulk Import feature, if there is only one identified contact that matches a contact being imported from the CSV ( by phone number or email address), the identified contact will not automatically merge with the imported contact, and the identified contact will not be promoted into a curated contact.

    However, if there are multiple identified contacts matching the imported contact, the system will merge them, resolving the issue for the user.

    Recommended Workaround: To ensure smooth merging of contacts during CSV import, follow these steps:

    1. Prepare Your CSV:

        • Remove and fields from the CSV 

        • Ensure all rows include valid ExternalIDs.

        • Leave the default match and merge conditions unchanged in the import settings page.

    2. Upload and import the CSV File:

      • This will create new curated contacts, each with an ExternalID.

    3. Update Your CSV:

      • Add the phone and email fields back to the CSV, ensuring that ExternalID fields remain the same.

      • Leave the default match and merge conditions unchanged (Default) in the import settings page.

    4. Upload the Updated CSV:

      • This step will merge the autogenerated contacts  that already exist in your system (with phone/email data) into the curated contacts created in step 1.

    Future Enhancement:
    In an upcoming release, we plan to address this user experience issue. Genesys Cloud Admins will be able to ensure that identified contacts (with phone or email data autogenerated by the platform) that match the CSV records are enriched and always transformed to curated contacts and merged.

    For more information about the the new CSV Bulk Import feature for External Contacts, checkout the enhancement announcement and the video. 


    Mojdeh Toyserkani
    Director, Product Management - Event Data Platform
    Genesys - Employees

  • 2.  RE: Limitation: Merging Identified Contacts with CSV Imported Contacts in External Contacts Bulk Import

    Posted 11-20-2024 16:59

    Thanks for that info Mojdeh! 

    Will the upcoming changes be part of a public Beta?

    Jason Kleitz
    Online Community Manager/Moderator

  • 3.  RE: Limitation: Merging Identified Contacts with CSV Imported Contacts in External Contacts Bulk Import
    Best Answer

    Posted 11-22-2024 11:48

    We do not have a Beta release planned for these fixes. They will be released directly to GA, with the timeline set for March 2025.

    Once the changes are GA'd, I'll post an update here. This will be part of a larger epic that includes additional enhancements to the existing CSV Bulk Import feature, such as Division Support.

    Mojdeh Toyserkani
    Director, Product Management - Data Platform
    Genesys - Employees

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