It should recalculate the "required staff with shrinkage" and the "Difference with shrinkage". Make sure you optimise again after changing the shrinkage figure to recalculate the figure. I believe that part is still working ok. The Intraday Monitoring that gives the Service level will be stuck and can't refresh to the new figure (fault).
Mike Corley
Original Message:
Sent: 11-25-2024 09:30
From: Amanda Caldwell
Subject: Manually adjusting shrinkage in the schedule portion
Thank you! does this update in the schedule portion? 
Amanda Caldwell
Original Message:
Sent: 11-25-2024 06:21
From: Mike Corley
Subject: Manually adjusting shrinkage in the schedule portion
It's set up under the management unit Configuration in Scheduling tab and Advanced shrinkage. The values in there apply to all of your forecasts that are set up as it's Mon-Sun and not tied down to a specific forecast/date.
I've screenshot our set up below. There has been an issue though for about 3 weeks that the service level doesn't reflect any changes to shrinkage.

Mike Corley
Original Message:
Sent: 11-22-2024 12:17
From: Amanda Caldwell
Subject: Manually adjusting shrinkage in the schedule portion
Is there any way to manually update the shrinkage? we know we can manually override offered and AHT in the forecast but there is nowhere to update shrinkage that we can see.
Amanda Caldwell