I think you are right, David. Thank you for the additional clarification.
Original Message:
Sent: 11-05-2024 11:22
From: David Felton
Subject: Performance Dashboard Views
It was pointed out to me that this is default functionality, however if your window height is too small, then it does not keep the row pinned. I tested this, and it started working as expected for me. Not sure if it's idea worthy at this point?
David Felton
Sr Manager of Operations
Original Message:
Sent: 11-05-2024 11:07
From: Greg Cole
Subject: Performance Dashboard Views
Yes, David. Please create an Idea in the Ideas Portal. We have an upcoming project to add some useability improvements to the data table in the Performance Views. Adding the ability to pin the row header at the top would fit in nicely with this.
Greg Cole
Senior Product Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 11-04-2024 05:41
From: Ekaterina Kononova
Subject: Performance Dashboard Views
Hi David!
Do you think you could post an idea url here, so that I could vote for your idea. We had many users complaining about the same, especially for status views which are used for real-time monitoring.
Ekaterina Kononova
Product Specialist | Data, Analytics & Quality Management
Original Message:
Sent: 11-01-2024 10:13
From: David Felton
Subject: Performance Dashboard Views
Hi Cam,
Thanks for your quick response and for checking on this for me. I appreciate the support!
David Felton
Sr Manager of Operations
Original Message:
Sent: 11-01-2024 10:08
From: Cam Tomlin
Subject: Performance Dashboard Views
I looked into this it looks like this is intended behavior and happens when the browser/desktop app are smaller than 961 pixels in height. The recommendation would be to submit a enhancement request in our ideas portal.
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Original Message:
Sent: 11-01-2024 09:31
From: David Felton
Subject: Performance Dashboard Views
Here's a couple of screen shots to illustrate what I'm seeing.

Now after scrolling down a bit:

David Felton
Sr Manager of Operations
Original Message:
Sent: 11-01-2024 07:21
From: Cam Tomlin
Subject: Performance Dashboard Views
Hello David,
Can you add a screen shot of the view you are having this issue in? In most cases the columns should stay pinned automatically and do not need to be toggled on.
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Original Message:
Sent: 10-31-2024 16:13
From: David Felton
Subject: Performance Dashboard Views
I'm just trying to figure out some basics in Genesys Cloud, and I know there's got to be something simple I'm missing. When you're looking at a performance dashboard view and you scroll down, the header row doesn't stay pinned to the top so you can continue to see what columns mean what. Seems like that should be default behavior. I can't find that setting in the resource center, so I asked ChatGPT, and it gave me instructions to "Pin the Headers", but the buttons it directed me to click do not exist in my view. Any ideas how to make this happen?
David Felton
Sr Manager of Operations