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  • 1.  Quality Actions missing from Audit Viewer

    Posted 12-04-2024 05:21


    I've been trying to find what kind of changes were done to Quality Forms and Quality Policies during this week - I was doing some updates and wanted to check myself if I completed the task. To my surprise, even though these actions exist in Action Catalog, Audit Viewer doesn't return any Quality actions. Is there any setting/permission which we need to enable to make sure that this information is available or is it just a bug? 

    #QualityAdministrator #auditview #Qualitymanagement #PlatformAdministration


    Ekaterina Kononova
    Product Specialist | Data, Analytics & Quality Management

  • 2.  RE: Quality Actions missing from Audit Viewer

    Posted 12-04-2024 08:15

    Hello Ekaterina, 

    I can see my Quality Actions by going to Performance -> Overview (Evaluations). Not in the audit viewer. 


    Online Community Manager/Moderator

  • 3.  RE: Quality Actions missing from Audit Viewer

    Posted 12-04-2024 08:29
    Edited by Ekaterina Kononova 12-04-2024 08:30

    Sorry Cameron, I don't think you understood the question. 

    Audit Viewer is a troubleshooting tool in Admin. As I mention in my original message, I wanted to see changes to Policies and Forms, not the pending or completed evaluation sessions. As per documentation it should provide information about actions which are included in Action Catalog. But it doesn't return the complete picture for me - Quality actions are not returned at all. 

    Ekaterina Kononova
    Product Specialist | Data, Analytics & Quality Management

  • 4.  RE: Quality Actions missing from Audit Viewer
    Best Answer

    Posted 12-04-2024 08:45

    Ahh thank you for the additional information. This is an odd behavior. I my recommendation would be to have your admin open a ticket with Customer Care Analytics team to see whats going on under the hood. 


    Online Community Manager/Moderator

  • 5.  RE: Quality Actions missing from Audit Viewer

    Posted 12-18-2024 22:36
    Edited by Maxim Tsvetov 12-19-2024 00:50

    Audit Viewer events can be accessed using the web interface or through Audit API requests.

    Unfortunately, the web interface does not display some of the events listed in the Action Catalog. However, if you run an Audit API query using the Developer Center portal (or any other API tool like Postman), you will be able to view all of them. This is a known limitation.

    Link to Audit API documentation:

    Maxim Tsvetov
    Principal PS Consultant

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