Hi Rolph,
The best practice for exporting from a view is located here
I have not heard that using scheduled exports could affect the UI performance, they run in the cloud and send you a notification when ready for download. Depending on the APIs being called by the reports and how many reports are being run at one time, it could cause Rate Limiting but this can generally be avoided by running the reports during quieter periods (such as overnight) and staggering the reports so they don't all run at the same time (e.g. scheduling multiple exports for 8am could cause an issue)
Sam Jillard
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 08-09-2024 05:25
From: Rolph Lieverse
Subject: Retrieve a list of scheduled reports/exports per user
Hi Samuel,
Thanks for the quick reply. I have voted for the idea and made a comment.
In my opinion this should be available.
I also believe that there used to be a 'best practice' on using scheduled export. Because of the limitation of number reports to be scheduled and requested data, there used to be a page explaining this.
This page is no longer there: Page not found - Genesys Cloud Resource Center (mypurecloud.com)
When I am correct, the extensive use of scheduled reports could influence the (UI) performance of Genesys Cloud.
Can you confirm this?
Rolph Lieverse
CED Nederland B.V.
Original Message:
Sent: 08-08-2024 11:26
From: Samuel Jillard
Subject: Retrieve a list of scheduled reports/exports per user
Hi Rolph,
Unfortunately there isn't a way to get a list for each user. The API currently pulls for the user running the query, so each user can only pull back their own scheduled exports.
There is an idea on the Genesys Cloud Product Ideas Lab: Allow Admins and/or Supervisors to view other users scheduled exports and I would recommend voting on the idea and adding your use case for consideration
Sam Jillard
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 08-08-2024 10:37
From: Rolph Lieverse
Subject: Retrieve a list of scheduled reports/exports per user
Hi, might be overlooking this, but is there a way as a master admin to retrieve a list of all scheduled reports/exports per user within the organization?
Rolph Lieverse
CED Nederland B.V.