Hello Glenda,
That's an interesting idea. Hopefully someone else who has done this will reply to your post.
Jason Kleitz
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Original Message:
Sent: 10-14-2024 17:02
From: Glenda Kingston
Subject: Silence as an indicator of potential agent behavior
Good afternoon,
We have completed an analysis of interactions with no topics based on trending agents in either topics or silence or both. The result was that 60% of the agents identified as potential agent behavior were confirmed to require coaching or further action. Digging into this bucket of interactions did require some creativity ... :)
High level details
- Incoming interactions
- Agent trend view report created with appropriate columns
- Moved to Content search
- Searched agents in content search focusing on calls with no topics in topics/internal topics.
- Internal is the best indicator as customers do speak during wait for agent.
- Listened to interactions matching no topics hitting ((-) as a result)
Has anyone in this group had success with using silence as a metric?
Glenda Kingston