So glad to hear you are going to offer time off submissions to your agents.
1. Agent submits time off request from the My Schedule View screen. 2. Time Off Request are stored as Pending and queued for WFM Admin to Approve or Deny. 3. Approved Time Off requests are now ready to be synchronized (
ADDED) to schedules. 4. Once you have synchronized time off requests with a schedule you are ready to
publish schedules to agents affected.
Now Available: There are also options available for automating time off approval and waitlists by configuring Time Off Limits and Time Off Plans by MU.
Coming soon: Time Off Planning integration with HRIS time off balances.
I would also suggest trying out the Tempo app
#tempo which gives agents all the same visibility and ownership to their , schedules time off (and now Late notifications)
Note: Agents can view their workforce management schedules and submit or view time-off requests from an Android device or iOS device. To download the mobile application, Genesys Tempo™, see Mobile apps for workforce management schedules.
For more information about managing schedules, time-off requests, and settings in a mobile app, see:
Thanks, let us know how things go.
Chuck Swain
WEM Leadership
Original Message:
Sent: 11-23-2022 08:03
From: Melissa Callender
Subject: Time Off Request and update to schedule
Our business users are interested in the request time-off feature.
When time off is approved, is it added to the agents schedule? What is required to do so?
Melissa Callender
Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan