Workforce Engagement Management

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  • 1.  Time Zone Problems

    Posted 02-06-2024 14:24

    Hello everyone,

    Question: How can I create a schedule where people can see their start time in their own time zone? For instance, if I schedule 30% of people to start at 8 a.m. EST, it would require them to sign on at 5 a.m. in their own time zone.


    To clarify, about 30% of our agents are located in the PST time zone, while our home office operates in EST. When our Workforce Management (WFM) team creates schedules, they only display the start and end times in EST. Consequently, individuals working in PST have to mentally convert the times to their own time zone, resulting in punctuality issues.

    Thank you, Anthony


    Anthony Cedrone
    Workforce Management - best job in the world :)

  • 2.  RE: Time Zone Problems

    Posted 02-06-2024 14:33

    Hi Anthony,

    The timezone configuration is configured in the Business Unit.

    You can separate Business Units (if your rule business permits) agents are located in the PST time zone and EST time zone.


    Breno Canyggia Ferreira Marreco

  • 3.  RE: Time Zone Problems

    Posted 02-22-2024 21:50

    Hello Breno,

    This is great information - thank you! 


    Anthony Cedrone
    Individual Only Contact Account

  • 4.  RE: Time Zone Problems

    Posted 02-22-2024 12:29

    The schedule is generated in the Business Unit Time but an Agent should be viewing their schedule based on their local PC time zone. For example I have a schedule set for myself for testing. The Workplan is showing 8am PST; however, I am in CST and when I view my schedule it shows I'm scheduled for 10am CST.

    If a manager or admin is viewing the overall schedule they can change the Time Zone for the schedule in the upper right corner, I can see my schedule in PST or CST 

    Brad Goff
    Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

  • 5.  RE: Time Zone Problems

    Posted 02-22-2024 21:52

    Hi Brad,

    Thank you so much for the screen prints - this is a big help!  


    Anthony Cedrone
    Individual Only Contact Account

  • 6.  RE: Time Zone Problems

    Posted 02-22-2024 14:44
    Edited by Jay Langsford 02-22-2024 15:03

    The only set of folks that would have to do mental math on times is the admin when configuring the work plan times which are based on the business unit's time zone. E.g., if I want an agent in a different time zone to work their 8am but that is really 10am in the business unit time zone, then the work plan should have 10am start. Agents, for my example, in that other time zone will see 8am.

    Also, to better handle desired behavior we have an idea relating to adding a 'target' time zone for the work plan.

    Jay Langsford
    VP, R&D

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