Yeah, this is a great feature (assign wrapup for division), but don't have any method for bulk assignment yet.
I'm waiting for it too.
Breno Canyggia Ferreira Marreco
Original Message:
Sent: 01-03-2024 06:52
From: Soumik Biswas
Subject: Update Divisions of Wrap-Up Codes in Bulk Via APIs
That's a shame! And I was thinking of updating some 500 Wrap-Up Codes with the flick of a button!
I wonder, when I use the Web UI to update the Wrap-Up Codes one by one, how is this actually happening without an API being called in the browser? Shouldn't I be seeing something? Instead my Console logs remains stubbornly clear.
Soumik Biswas
BT Solutions Ltd (Bahrain Branch)
Original Message:
Sent: 01-02-2024 16:07
From: Robert Wakefield-Carl
Subject: Update Divisions of Wrap-Up Codes in Bulk Via APIs
You are correct, no bulk update available. Here is the idea for something similar: More efficient wrap-up code assignment | Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal ( and this one: Ability to upload bulk wrap-up codes for | Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal (
Robert Wakefield-Carl
ttec Digital
Sr. Director - Innovation Architects
Original Message:
Sent: 01-02-2024 12:03
From: Soumik Biswas
Subject: Update Divisions of Wrap-Up Codes in Bulk Via APIs
I am trying to write a simple application to update the Division assignment of Wrap-Up Codes in the platform in bulk using Platform APIs. However, there seems to be no Platform APIs for this? I tried checking the API endpoint PUT /api/v2/routing/wrapupcodes/{codeId} but the Request Body in this does not have a provision to update the Division! In order to "hack" the platform I tried changing the Wrap-Up Code Division Assignment on the UI while observing the Console logs on the browser, but I could see no API being fired? Is there any way to achieve this with Platform API without using the UI?
#Wrap-UpCodes #Division-Aware #PlatformSDK
Soumik Biswas
BT Solutions Ltd (Bahrain Branch)