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  • 1.  Work plan configuration validation errors and warnings

    Posted 11-22-2024 15:42

    We are attempting to configure an overnight workplan and have received errors that we are unable to remedy. Any guidance and support would be appreciated as we are able to update their workplan in the schedule, but the workplan configuration continues to give us errors when attempting to validate. It seems we are getting the error for the days where they are working 12AM-7AM or 8AM and then coming back for a new overnight shift starting the same day of week, but 11PM and wokring into the early morning of the next day.


    Alexis Baker
    Assistant Workforce Supervisor

  • 2.  RE: Work plan configuration validation errors and warnings

    Posted 11-23-2024 07:50

    Without seeing the work plan itself it is hard to say, but the very first error is the real issue. Your spreadsheet shows a total of 41h (7, 8, 9, 8, 9) and even one 1/2 hour unpaid break/meal per day lowers the possible paid time for the week to 38.5h (41h - 2.5h). What is the total unpaid time across those days?

    Jay Langsford
    VP, R&D

  • 3.  RE: Work plan configuration validation errors and warnings

    Posted 12-05-2024 08:36

    Hi Jay, This representative works 40h (7, 8, 9, 7, 9) with 30 minute paid breaks each day. I have attached screenshots of the workplan for reference. I believe it has something to do with the overlap of the 12AM-8AM and then again working 11PM-12PM on Thursday and working 12AM-7AM and again 11PM-12PM on Saturday, but I cannot figure out how to better configure the workplan. Te attached screen shots are of the workplan with an updated version that we were able to successfully validate, but when adding to the schedule, it did not account for the 2- 11PM-12PM intervals (Thursday and Saturday).

    Alexis Baker
    Assistant Workforce Supervisor

  • 4.  RE: Work plan configuration validation errors and warnings

    Posted 12-05-2024 09:49

    The day selection on each shift row designates the day of week in the business unit's time zone the shift will start at. The 'Thursday into Friday' very likely should not have Fri as a selected day since the shift starts on Thu. Similar comments to any other '_day_ into _nextday_' type shifts

    You also have no optional days selected which means every day needs to be scheduled where there is a day selected in the shifts above.

    Each of the shifts have a low amount of variance and the combination of shifts along with the constraints is likely eliminating some days as being able to be scheduled.

    The following resource article has two expandable sections that talk about shifts and how which shift is selected that may be of help:

    If nothing obvious, then I would suggest opening a support ticket.

    Jay Langsford
    VP, R&D

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