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In this video @Joseph Ian Romero talks about the new enhanced toast, email, or SMS notification alerts.
Supervisors can now view alerts with information about conversations, queues, and agents. Genesys includes this information in the single conversation and user presence duration-based alerts. This feature ensures that supervisors and administrators see the interaction, queue, and agent associated with the alert.
Release Notes: https://help.mypurecloud.com/releasenote/april-29-2024
#TAMStudios #Reporting/Analytics #FeatureReview
Please post any questions, or comments, below or email us at TAMStudios@Genesys.com
I have set up a Presence metric rule for users exceeding a 10 minute break (600 seconds). The email I receive is formatted like this:
Alert for Rule: 'Break exceeds 10 mins' is in ALARM. The team member(s) in violation are [3cdfe2bb-c556-44ec-b206-c254d9f68606.30b15b6c-06d7-4c5a-a51e-d92a77a9b40a].
Is there a reason the user name is not provided instead of this string of characters?