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  • 1.  Bring window in front, when answering voice interaction with headset

    Posted 11-06-2024 03:49

    Hi Friends

    Does anyone know if it is possible to change a setting, that can bring the answered call in front when answering via Headset?

    Scenario: Agent is working with Chat or Email, and a call comes in. When pressing "answer" on the voice interaction Toast, focus will shift to the Voice interaction window, so you can see customer info etc. When answering via headset, call is answered, but focus will not shift, and you need to seach for the voice interaction to find the active window.

    I have tried every single headset setting in the browser and headset application settings (Jabra), but with no succes so far. 


    Herluf Bjerg
    Product Engineer
    Nuuday A/S

  • 2.  RE: Bring window in front, when answering voice interaction with headset
    Best Answer

    Posted 11-06-2024 08:11

    Hello Herluf, 

    Are you saying that once you plug in a headset the behavior of the UI changes and no longer brings you to the call window? If so this sounds like something that customer care would need to look at. As the behavior shouldnt change. 


    Online Community Manager/Moderator

  • 3.  RE: Bring window in front, when answering voice interaction with headset

    Posted 11-06-2024 08:31

    Hi Cam

    The headset is connected all the time, but it is only when controlling the call via the Headset, that the issue occurs. You could still be right about customer care though...:-)

    I will leave the post for some days, to see if someone have an idea.

    Br. Herluf

    Herluf Bjerg
    Product Engineer
    Nuuday A/S

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