I think that READ, in relation to recording on the interaction Audit Trail, just means the user viewed the interaction details, i.e. clicked on the interaction to get to the Details, Timeline etc, as I never listen to recordings but I can see READ actions for me when I have drilled down into the interaction. Here is the relevant help article - https://help.mypurecloud.com/articles/view-interactions-audit-trail/ which lists the following actions but doesn't clarify what each of them mean.
- Recording: create, delete, download, read, update, restore request, restore complete, update retention, archive, export, abandon, apply protection, revoke protection
I would have thought that DOWNLOAD meant the download option had been pressed, so I'm struggling to work out which action relates to someone having listened to the recording by pressing the play (arrow) icon next to the recording. Does anyone know how this is identified?
(Also, as per original poster it would be useful to have a reporting capability that didn't involve going into each interaction.)
Sarah Newell
Lifeline Aotearoa
Original Message:
Sent: 07-15-2024 01:16
From: Robert Wakefield-Carl
Subject: Interactions Recordings Report
Under the Audit Trail for the interaction, you should see people that have READ the recording, which I always assumed meant listened to it.
Robert Wakefield-Carl
ttec Digital
Sr. Director - Innovation Architects
Original Message:
Sent: 07-11-2024 06:13
From: Saravanan D
Subject: Interactions Recordings Report
Hi Everyone,
We would like to know how many times our supervisors or admins who have access to interaction report have playback the call recordings saved in our platform for Month/Year
Do we have an option to get this data?
Saravanan D
Individual Only Contact Account