Hi Mackenzie - We've done a lot of finagling as we had the same issue. It's still not perfect, and therefore use intra-day as directional but Queue performance for accuracy.
Paycor, Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 07-27-2023 09:30
From: Mackenzie Becker
Subject: Intra-Day Not Matching Queue Performance
This is an issue that we are still running into.
Before redoing the schedules and the forecasting at the beginning of the month we made sure that all route paths were added for each of the queues from the last 6 weeks. Now our numbers are still showing off, because a different route path has now been used. How do you plan for that, so schedules and forecasts don't have to be updated multiple times a month. We are also noticing that agent numbers for one of the queues isn't matching how many agents should be able to handle those route paths.
Mackenzie Becker
Original Message:
Sent: 06-23-2023 08:55
From: Trent Vance
Subject: Intra-Day Not Matching Queue Performance
Jay - This goes back to the question/issue I posted about a few weeks ago.
Another reason why this may not match up, is that on the Queue Performance views, you are unable to filter on the "None" skill. So if you're Route Paths are set to use a skillset of "None", you won't be able to match up the Queue Performance view with a filter.
You'll need to use the Skill Performance view and filter on the queues that are part of that Route Path, then interrogate the "None" skill that shows up at the bottom of the results on that view.
Lastly, another thing that has jammed up some of our Avtex/TTEC GC WFM customers, is they export data from the Intraday screen, then add up certain data across all the exported Planning Groups (like, Offered, Answered, etc.). This is also not a good practice, because if you have Route Paths that are exactly the same across multiple Planning Groups, you'll be double counting those data points. If this is something that is required, you'll need to make 100% certain that the Route Paths configured in WFM are unique across all Planning Groups.
It sounds like you're well on your way. Just a couple of pieces of food for thought!
Trent Vance
TTEC Digital, LLC fka Avtex Solutions, LLC
Original Message:
Sent: 06-22-2023 12:14
From: Mackenzie Becker
Subject: Intra-Day Not Matching Queue Performance
Thank you! This should help us identify if this is the reason our numbers aren't matching.
Mackenzie Becker
Original Message:
Sent: 06-22-2023 12:08
From: Jay Langsford
Subject: Intra-Day Not Matching Queue Performance
To have more similar offered numbers between the two views, then the route paths for those queues that have actual interactions historically would need to be included. This is where the 'Search and Add Route Paths' dialog can help - with the 'search for route paths that have offered interactions in the past 6 weeks' option selected, we show the route paths and their offered counts.
Just a reminder on planning groups: "Agents must be able to handle all of the route paths in this planning group to be scheduled against any of the route paths in this planning group." If you add route paths that all agents cannot handle, then it will mess up staffing requirement and scheduling.
Jay Langsford
Original Message:
Sent: 06-22-2023 11:14
From: Mackenzie Becker
Subject: Intra-Day Not Matching Queue Performance
Thanks for the quick responses! To confirm we are doing this correctly, does every single combination of queue, media type, skill set, and language need to be added as a routing path for it to having it be counting apples to apples with the queue performance?
Mackenzie Becker
Original Message:
Sent: 06-22-2023 10:38
From: Jay Langsford
Subject: Intra-Day Not Matching Queue Performance
A change in planning groups requires a new forecast and published schedule - intraday simply looks at the planning groups at the time the current forecast/schedule was created.
Jay Langsford
Original Message:
Sent: 06-22-2023 10:28
From: Mackenzie Becker
Subject: Intra-Day Not Matching Queue Performance
Yes, intraday monitoring is showing significantly less offered. We have updated the planning groups to show all routing paths and it still isn't showing correct nOffered. Will this apply retroactively or will the forecast need to be redone for these changes to take effect?
Mackenzie Becker
Original Message:
Sent: 06-22-2023 07:42
From: Jay Langsford
Subject: Intra-Day Not Matching Queue Performance
Does Intraday Monitoring show significantly less offered? If so, the most likely cause is that the route paths configured for the planning groups do not fully capture the possible 'queue, media type, skill set, and language' for the queue(s). So, the queue performance view is simply doing a query for the queue (regardless of skill set and language) and looking at nOffered.count while the intraday monitoring view queries for the very specific route paths for the queue from Analytics and uses that nOffered.count.
Analogy is wanting to get a count of children in a classroom where someone counts everyone, but another person wants a count of only those wearing a belt. The two counts are very likely to be different with the latter being a subset.
If nothing obvious for the difference, then I would recommend opening a support ticket.
Jay Langsford
Original Message:
Sent: 06-21-2023 08:51
From: Mackenzie Becker
Subject: Intra-Day Not Matching Queue Performance
Is anybody else having an issue where the offered number in Queue Performance is not matching the Intraday Monitoring in Workforce Management? We have all queues selected in the Queue Performance view and all planning groups selected in the Intraday Monitoring.
Mackenzie Becker