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  • 1.  Zip Code Data Table Lookup

    Posted 10-04-2022 13:57

    Hello everyone. We are not very familiar with Data Tables, and I have looked at the resource center and other community posts (which have helped greatly with one of our other data table area code lookup flows), but can't seem to figure out what I need to do for the zip code. Also if someone could help me figure out how to set the flow to not need a DTMF to then go to a task.

    Data Table: We have all zip codes in the key column and the corresponding queue name in our Market Queue column (second column). For example, in the excel file: A2 is 73301 and B2 is AUS OP1 Call Center

    What we want: When customer call comes in, they input their zip code, the flow looks up the zip code in the data table and (on success) then transfers the call to the correct market queue

    Current build: 


    Katia Ojea
    Goettl Air Conditioning

  • 2.  RE: Zip Code Data Table Lookup

    Posted 10-04-2022 14:42
    In the Find Queue action, just set the expression Flow.MarketQueue in the queue name field.
    In the Transfer to ACD action, change the queue field to expression and set it to the variable Task.Austin (although that seems like a confusing variable name to me).
    Take out the data table lookup from the failure path of the collect input action.  The failure path is for when the customer does not enter any digits, didn't press enough digits, or the verification method failed.  So there's nothing to look up.  

    Use a starting task instead of a starting menu to avoid having to press a button.

    Also decide what you want to do in every one of the failure & not found paths.  I'd suggest transferring to a default queue at least.

    Melissa Bailey
    Genesys - Employees

  • 3.  RE: Zip Code Data Table Lookup

    Posted 10-04-2022 15:47

    Hi Melissa, 

    I think we are missing a step somewhere on our side, do we need to link/tell the variable what to do somewhere? We did a data update to take the input from string to integer and it seems to recognize the zip as integers now, but we don't know how to get the flow to recall/bring back the queue name from the table. 

    So the Task.Austin was just what we named the variable when trying to get the call to get to the Austin queue while testing. We now renamed to Task.QueueResult

    We also had a Data Table Lookup in the Failure section as we want the flow to look up the ANI area code and transfer to main market queue if customer does not input anything for zip/inputs an invalid zip. We haven't started building that side, so just a placeholder to remind us to set the failure up after success is working (we removed for now to keep clean). 

    Thank you for the link to the starting task article. We have updated that section. 

    Below is a snap of the build we have now. I am not sure if we are starting to overcomplicate so we are taking a break and look forward to your reply! Thank you!

    Katia Ojea
    Goettl Air Conditioning

  • 4.  RE: Zip Code Data Table Lookup

    Posted 10-04-2022 16:03
    A variable holds a value, you don't have to tell it to do anything. If something isn't working, add play audio steps in between each action (and on all failure/timeout paths) so you can figure out where the break it.

    Melissa Bailey
    Genesys - Employees

  • 5.  RE: Zip Code Data Table Lookup

    Posted 10-04-2022 16:24

    Ah okay. That makes sense! 

    Thank you!

    Katia Ojea
    Goettl Air Conditioning

  • 6.  RE: Zip Code Data Table Lookup

    Posted 10-04-2022 17:31
    Okay, we added in the audio prompts and we make it through QWCorona, then get QWDuttonPlumbing and disconnect. So it seems to be broken in our Zip to Market Data Table Lookup action.

    Katia Ojea
    Goettl Air Conditioning

  • 7.  RE: Zip Code Data Table Lookup

    Posted 10-04-2022 18:12
    Slight Update: Also popped in audio prompts for not found and failure, still does the same results. QW Corona -> QW Dutton Plumbing -> Disconnect.

    Katia Ojea
    Goettl Air Conditioning

  • 8.  RE: Zip Code Data Table Lookup

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 10-04-2022 21:23
    If it is playing the QW Dutton Plumbing audio in the screenshot, then it must have gone down the Not Found path under Find Queue, OR the Transfer to ACD Failure path.

    What I would do is,
    Under Found path in the Data table look up before the Find Queue step
    Set Participant Data LookupQueue = Task.QueueResult
    Then under the Find Queue not found path TestResult = Queue Not Found
    Under the Transfer to ACD Failure path TestResult = Failure

    This way you can confirm from the participant data, 1 which queue it went down, and 2 exactly what value you got from the table.
    The table value should have the EXACT name as what is in the queue setup, every space, capital letter etc must all be the exact same.

    Anton Vroon

  • 9.  RE: Zip Code Data Table Lookup

    Posted 10-05-2022 10:50

    @Anton Vroon and @Melissa Bailey you are both amazing! I appreciate all of your help.

    I did what Anton suggested and was still having the same results and it dawned on me that the zip code I was using to test (one I pulled from google rather than my own data table) might not be in the table. Total brain dead moment for that one.

    Anyway, we are up and running! Connected to the correct queue! Thank you both again!​​​

    Katia Ojea
    Goettl Air Conditioning

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