In which case, I don't think Genesys Cloud (in it's current form) will be able to achieve everything you are looking for. Sorry!
That being said, I have to ask how often this issue occurs? Or is this a theoretical? I only ask because I have been guilty of foreseeing problems with a configuration which turns out in reality to be an edge case with a very low actual impact.
How many records are in the contact list? How many Agents? When you describe a call taking a "long time", how long and how frequently does that occur?
To illustrate what I mean, say you have 9,000 contacts with a contact rate of 1/3. 10 Agents with an average call duration of 1 minute and a "long" call being 5 minutes and occurring 10% of the time.
Campaign A will dial all 9000 contacts on the first number and reach 3000 of them. So the overall on-call time will be around 3000 minutes. (50 hours total, or 5 hours per Agent.) Now, worst-case scenario is that the last call in the campaign is a long call. On average, the remaining 9 Agents will have 30 seconds of call remaining before they are idle, so that means 4.5 minutes of idle which is 0.15%. Added to this that the "long" calls only happen in 10% of cases, so that 0.15% is only once out of every 10 cycles, or an average of 0.015%.
Campaign B will then kick in and dial the 6000 unreached contacts on their second number. Assuming the same metrics, it will reach 2000 of them, so will take 2000 minutes (around 3 hours per Agent.) Again, we are looking at 4.5 minutes of idle at the end, in 10% of cases, which works out at 0.025%.
Then Campaign C, kicks in and the numbers work out to be 0.03%.
So, if we take the complete picture, we have a total of 6333 live calls across the three campaigns, with an average of 1.35 minutes of idle, which gives a combined idle time caused by this issue of 0.021%.
If that were me, I wouldn't worry about it since that's probably within the margin of error of the above assumptions.
Of course, your numbers, and tolerance for agent idle, may well be very different than the above calculation.
Paul Simpson
Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.
Original Message:
Sent: 07-24-2024 03:05
From: Daniel White
Subject: Contact List Call Order
No because if campaign A has a call that is taking a long time then campaign B cannot start, as they use the same contact list.
Daniel Fox White
Sr Engineer - Software Eng
C3 (Customer Care & Communications)
Neptune Beach, FL
Office: 704-444-5340
Original Message:
Sent: 7/23/2024 4:12:00 PM
From: Paul Simpson
Subject: RE: Contact List Call Order
Yes, so if you have one contact list with all the numbers in it, Create Campaign A to call the first number only, Campaign B the second and so on, as you said, only one can run at a time. So you configure a Sequence to run Campaign A, then B and so on. It will then only call the first number until such time as you transition to the next Campaign, then only the second number....
Is that not what you are after?
Paul Simpson
Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.
Original Message:
Sent: 07-23-2024 14:21
From: Daniel White
Subject: Contact List Call Order
No, we need it to exhaust column A (phone number 1) for all accounts/contacts before moving to column B (phone number 2).
Daniel Fox White
Sr Engineer - Software Eng
C3 (Customer Care & Communications)
Neptune Beach, FL
Office: 704-444-5340
Original Message:
Sent: 7/23/2024 2:11:00 PM
From: Paul Simpson
Subject: RE: Contact List Call Order
But isn't that exactly what you are asking for? Not to start placing calls to the second number until the first number has been exhausted for the whole list?
Or am I missing something here?
Paul Simpson
Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.
Original Message:
Sent: 07-18-2024 08:32
From: Daniel White
Subject: Contact List Call Order
The problem with using one contact list on multiple campaigns is that the 2nd campaign can't start placing calls until all calls have finished from the 1st campaign. I don't understand how Genesys didn't think this was a must have before deploying their outbound dialers.
Daniel Fox White
Sr Engineer - Software Eng
C3 (Customer Care & Communications)
Neptune Beach, FL
Office: 704-444-5340
Original Message:
Sent: 7/17/2024 4:11:00 PM
From: Cameron Tomlin
Subject: RE: Contact List Call Order
Hello Daniel,
I need to make sure I am understanding you correctly.
You are saying that you have a contact list, and 1 account/customer has 6 possible callable numbers.
So it would look something like this:
Ph1 Ph2 etc...
719 585 xxx
What you are trying to achieve is having all phone numbers in column 1 (719) called before moving on too column 2 (585)?
If this is correct according to our documentation here, this is currently not possible and you would have to break your contacts into different campaigns.
This would be a good idea though to through in our ideas lab, found here.
Cameron Tomlin
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 07-17-2024 13:52
From: Daniel White
Subject: Contact List Call Order
I am wanting to call all the numbers in one column before moving to the next, how can this be done?
If I have a contact list that has 6 (phone number 1 - phone number 6) possible callable numbers defined, per account, and I want to call all phone number 1 entries before moving to phone number 2, how would this be accomplished? We want to attempt all of our buyer cell phone numbers (phone number 1) before moving to buyer home phone numbers (phone number 2). We do not want to break our 1 contact list out to 6 different campaigns and want to accomplish this using 1 contact list.
Daniel White
Ally Financial