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  • 1.  Recall attempts

    Posted 06-10-2022 07:55

    Can someone please help me to understand ?

    I know that the total recall time cannot exceed 480 minutes but I would like to know what happens if the attempt comes outside of our opening hours.

    For example :
    we setup a recall with 2 hours between each attempt.
    First attempt at 4 p.m. ==> No answer
    Second attempt at 6 p.m. ==> No answer
    Closing of the Contact Center at 7 p.m.

    Reopening at 9 a.m. the day after
    Is the recall from the day before retried? (the 8 hours are exceeded in calendar but not in working hours)
    In this case, does it take priority over the other scheduled recall?

    Or the recall is relaunched at 9 a.m. then 11 a.m. then 1 p.m., 8 working hours have been respected.

    Thank you

    Zacharie Hercule
    Orange Business Services S.A.

  • 2.  RE: Recall attempts

    Posted 09-07-2022 09:07
    Hey Zacharie,

    Two Pro Services Principal Consultants, or also known as our very own
     "Above Average Joes," were on the Q&A Show this week and tackled some community questions ranging the gamut of topics including, but yours was one of them! Check out the minute markers below and hope you enjoy the episode:

    2:38 - In- Queue Email Flow Triggers
    9:20 - Searching Outbound Email Interactions
    15:25 - Tagging Callback Interactions
    19:39 - Busy Fax Signal
    26:21 - Dialogflow Delays
    29:53 - Recall Attempts
    33:13 - Call Recording Policy
    39:22 - Schedule Callbacks
    42:40 - Custom Contactable Time Sets

    We also highlight a new website revamp that, if you leave your valuable feedback, could score you a prize from our amazing Prize Wall! 



    Matt Lawson
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager

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