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  • 1.  Agentless email - domain does not exist?

    Posted 10 days ago

    I've seen a few threads about the agentless email API, but I haven't seen any that mention what I have run into.

    I'm creating a data action with the /api/v2/conversations/emails/agentless API so I can send an email whenever I need to from a flow.

    I think it's just about working. When I try to test it, I get an error stating that the outbound domain cannot be found. See example below. Can anyone tell me what it's complaining about here? What domain can't it find? The one from the fromAddress email property of the API? I set that address to an address that I have configured in the email section. It uses the domain.

      "message": "The requested resource was not found.",
      "code": "not.found",
      "status": 404,
      "messageParams": {},
      "contextId": "91330101-621c-48ef-bef4-40719538e418",
      "details": [
          "errorCode": "ACTION.REMOTE_ENDPOINT"
      "errors": [
          "message": "REST call for action execute failed. Message: Request to backend service failed. Response from web service: {\"message\":\"The outbound domain does not exist\",\"code\":\"postino.error.not.found\",\"status\":404,\"messageWithParams\":\"The outbound domain does not exist\",\"messageParams\":{},\"contextId\":\"6607147a-19cf-4bde-aad1-09e62be498cd\",\"details\":[],\"errors\":[]} [91330101-621c-48ef-bef4-40719538e418]",
          "code": "NOT_FOUND",
          "status": 404,
          "messageParams": {},
          "details": [],
          "errors": []


    #System Administration

    Dave Halderman
    Thedacare Inc

  • 2.  RE: Agentless email - domain does not exist?
    Best Answer

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 10 days ago
    Edited by Cameron Tomlin 6 days ago

    Hi Dave

    I was just researching this same topic yesterday. And from what I gathered, to use Agentless email you must have a subdomain setup in the email configuration area, see this article on the details and how to: - Disregard the name being just outbound email campaigns, this applies to agentless emails too as per the article.

    Edit: another link to look at

    Anton Vroon

  • 3.  RE: Agentless email - domain does not exist?

    Posted 10 days ago

    Thanks! I missed the part about having to set up a special kind of domain to use for these outbound messages. I already had my domain set up in there. I can receive test emails to an address on that domain and reply to them, so I figured everything was working fine and I should be able to send email through that domain. Apparently not. I find it amazing that it's so hard so just send an alert email out of this system.

    Dave Halderman
    Thedacare Inc

  • 4.  RE: Agentless email - domain does not exist?

    Posted 9 days ago

    I just watched the latest episode of the Genesys Cloud Community Q&A Show. As he was demonstrating the trigger function, he briefly showed how a trigger could launch a Workflow flow. One of the steps available in that type of flow is Send Notification. That's exactly what I've been trying to do! I wish that step was available in other flow types.

    From what I've found so far, I can only launch a Workflow flow from a trigger or from the /api/v2/flows/executions API. I was able to launch my test workflow from API Explorer and send myself an email, so I think I should be able to build a data action using that API so I can send a notification from other kinds of flows.

    Dave Halderman
    Thedacare Inc

  • 5.  RE: Agentless email - domain does not exist?

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 6 days ago

    Hi Dave,

    Yeah worfklow notification action is great as long as you only need to send the email to a user setup in Genesys. If you want external, then back to the agentless email. 

    Anton Vroon

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